And Megan… I agree… I love it here so very much too. And appreciate all of the loving, uplifting and encouraging replies. And also the amazing helps!!! Especially on math.
I am praying for you and your family to get through this rough patch. We are all over the board on where each child is in each subject, but they help each other and we take it a day at a time. Just last week we started on our history lessons again after quite a break. They enjoyed it so much that all we did that day was history and got nearly caught up. I plan on doing the same with math one day this week. On top of the kids schooling, I am studying midwifery.
I also wanted to speak to your morning sickness. Eat lots of small meals, high protein. The longer you wait to eat, the more nauseous you can become. I was sick for most of all 3 of my own pregnancies, and I remember how very tough it was to try to eat frequently. Keep nuts (almonds, cashews, etc) on hand for a quick snack to keep the nausea at bay. You may be able to find a surgeon who is skilled at removing gall bladders even during pregnancy. One of my former clients had to have it done. It required a couple extra days in hospital to monitor her and baby, but it was successfully done and the rest of her pregnancy was much easier.
This is sort of weird, but it worked for my nausea. My MIL gave me the advice when I was pregnant and it actually worked. She recommended to have some crackers directly next to the bed and before I even sit-up, to take a few bites, then slowly sit up and finish the crackers and drink some water sitting on the edge of the bed.
I am trying to eat frequent small meals even if I don’t feel like it. Since starting this it has helped quite a bit. But somedays are just so terrible nothing helps. I did pretty well yesterday and then around 9 pm while hubby and I were having some quiet time, watching a movie, relaxing together it hit hard and fast. It got bad really quick and there I was in the bathroom 🙁 And then today I felt aweful all day.
My dr. said she wants to try and wait until between 12 & 20 weeks to remove my gallbladder. It hasn’t been bad though so I’m not sure she will still do it???? It didn’t act up REALLY bad until the end of my last pregnancy. But I have had a few bouts of probs with it already so again… ?????
Again I want to say thank you to everyone!!!! You have truly been a blessing!