I need help with a deleted item

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  • monicaandrew

    I am new to this website and I think it is great but I ran into a problem. I needed to fix a resource to add more divisions but when I did that I must have doubled that resource and then when I went to delete one of them it deleted both of them instead. I added so much detail to that resource so I was wondering if there is a way to get back the deleted resource. Thank you!

    Sonya Shafer

    I can check with the programmer and see if it’s still somewhere behind the scenes. What’s the title? Any details will help.


    Thank you for your help! : ) The name of the resource is “If you lived with the Sioux Indians” it is under history. Also, so that I will not do this again. How can I delete an item that I doubled on accident with out deleting both items. Thank very much for your time and help.

    Sonya Shafer

    Though I wasn’t able to watch over your shoulder, here’s what I think might have happened.

    1. You entered a resource and scheduled it.
    2. You went back to the resource to add more divisions. Now you had two versions of that resource showing up: one that was already scheduled and one with more divisions. 
    3. You deleted the scheduled resource, thinking that it would delete just the one with fewer divisions, but it deleted both versions.

    If that’s what happened, the thing to understand is that there aren’t really two different resources, just two different versions of the same resource there is just the already scheduled version and the newer version. But they are both tied to the same Resource entry. Once you edit a resource, you can either keep using the old version that is already scheduled, or you can tell the Organizer that you want to apply your changes to the already-scheduled version. 

    To do that, go to the already-scheduled resource on your Daily Plan and click the Edit Schedule link beside the title. That should pop the resource back into the Scheduler. When it shows up your new divisions should show up too. So you can adjust the Use Chapters (or whatever your divisions are called) and hit Save. That should apply the new version to the already-scheduled resource.

    Clear as mud?

    PS: I’ve sent a note to the programmer to see if the book If You Lived . . . is still in existence somewhere behind the scenes. I’ll let you know what he says.


    Smile yes that is exactly what happened! : )  Ok I think I understand now what you are saying. I will try that next time if this should occur again. Thank you!  Also, is there a way to view and print every resource that is in my personal SCM? I can find only my added resources but not  the others that I am also using and have already scheduled, although they do show up in the daily schedule is there one long list I can view? This is so I can make sure I have inputted all the books I need and also so I can review the resources I am using and also have it on file. I really think this program is great. I am working my way around to try to understand it more. I appreciate your hard work on it and time.

    P.S. No worries if the programmer can not find it or does not have time. I can just add it again. But I will wait to see what he says just in case. Thank you.

    Sonya Shafer

    He says he thinks he can find it, but it may take him a day or two.

    To view all your scheduled resources, click on the Scheduler tab. You can view everything you have scheduled by student, by subject, or All at once.


    Sonya, thank you for your help. I will go ahead and put the information back in by hand but please tell your programmer thank you.

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