Regarding how to make coconut milk yogurt… I sent this to someone else. I’ll post it here.
I take 3 cans of organic canned coconut milk (Natural Value doesn’t have guar gum in it and tastes better but is hard to find. I usually used organic Thai Kitchen) and heat it to 110 degrees (if you get it too hot cool it down to 110 degrees). Then add 1/4 c. already made yogurt (the first batch I used regular milk yogurt from the store. Now I set aside 1/4 c. from every batch and use that. I’ve done this for so long I’m sure there is no dairy left in it.) and about 1 T. honey, agave or maple syrup. I do have a yogurt maker. I leave mine in the yogurt maker for about 10 hours or until it is the right taste. I didn’t use sweetener but I discovered that it needs to have a little bit to help the bacteria grow.
At first, I didn’t like it. But I’ve come to really like it. My little ones like it too with some agave and fruit.
That’s just fine to wash in the d/w, then take them out and use them. I just put my jars/lids/rings in a stockpot of boiling water for 10 min., then remove them and do it that way; that way I don’t have to plan a d/w cycle.
As for whey:
quickie lemonade in a glass-water, a tablespoon of whey and about two tblsp. of lemon juice. I also add to smoothies where there is no other fermented dairy product. I also add a tablespoon to my cold tea.