The girls and I went to a garage sale a couple of houses down from ours this morning and I found a treasure trove of books!
I got the entire 10 book collection of Collier’s Junior Classics! Hardback, looks like they have never been read! And I got a collection of the Companion Library, each book has 2 books in it! Titles are: The Little Lame Prince/The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood; The Wizard of Oz/The Jungle Book; Black Beauty/Call of the Wild; Heidi/Hans Brinker; Gulliver’s Travels/Treasure Island; Adventures of Pinocchio/Story of King Arthur and his Knights; Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; Tom Sawyer Abroad/Dog of Flanders (and other stories). And a rather beaten copy of The Sliver Chalice. Plus a couple of books for me!
All that for $11!
Dontcha love garage sales!
What treasures have you found at garage sales or thrift stores?
Thrift stores are very, very dear to my heart. ;-P. I have about 5 shelves of books that I bought at our local thrift store… Just last week I picked up “The New Way Things Work” for $1. It was in excellent condition. I also found “The Black Arrow” for .25. It looks
brand new. Some of my favorite finds include:
English from the Roots Up for .25
Ourselves by Charlotte Mason .25
hardbacks of so many classics like Wind in the Willows, Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates, Robinson Crusoe… I usually pay .50!!
At one point I got carried away and had 4 copies of Where the Red Fern Grows. Tee hee.
I was quite happy when I recently found a few beautifully bound, hardcover books at a garage sale. A copy of Living with Father, Jane Eyre, Kim, and a Sherlock Holmes book. As well as information on each of the authors at the front of each book. The book “Kim” by Rudyard Kipling is the book my father was named after, actually, and I was most happy to find this one as I think it will have special meaning for us when the kids are old enough to read it as a family read aloud.
I got several books from the Companion Library for free from Freecycle a few months ago! I really hope they are unabridged…. but it was quite a find!
I also found (not cheap though) an original Dick and Jane reader from teh 40’s called “Our New Friends” – it is for the 2nd half of 1st grade back then…. and I have the reprints of the Dick and Jane primers. I love these. I wish I could find “Fun with Dick and Jane”, which is the reader for the 1st half of 1st grade…. unfortunately the used copies of this are VERY expensive, and they haven’t been reprinted.
I have found a lot of good books at Garage sales and at Thrift Stores – but haven’t done much looking this year… sigh.
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