Could you possibly put a link to the subject by subject series you guys did on your blog. I refer to that often and have tried to refer others to it as well but have to search for it. Maybe it could go in the Plan your CM section. Just a thought. Or maybe you could tell me a quick way to find it over and over 🙂
Of course, that doesn’t put it in the Planning section or anywhere else…..hmm, I’m not a superhero after all!
Well, if you put “subject by subject” in the search box for the forum, it brings up this thread at the top of the search results….for the moment. If you go to the blog directly and put “subject by subject” in the search box, it will bring up the series. However, the last post (#17) comes up first.
You can always go to to find a list of every previous series of articles we’ve done on our blog. The Subject by Subject set is listed there.
FWIW…I bookmarked it and put it on my browser’s toolbar! I wouldn’t have thought about looking for a series, unfortunately I am not as fluent with this sight as others seem to be…
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