I feel like I'M the student….

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  • Sue

    We are starting back into our school routine tomorrow after a two-week plus one-day Christmas break.  Now, this may sound a little odd, but it seems like I’m the one who is not looking forward to it.  My kids haven’t said anything in particular, just making a comment or two to others that school resumes tomorrow, but I simply feel as though I’m not going to get enough done this week or I’m going to fall behind on household chores and management or SOMETHING!

    I’m not quite sure what it is, maybe just that the excitement of the holidays has come and gone….but I simply don’t feel like doing any planning for tomorrow or even looking at our week’s schedule in the computer.  I really feel like just going to bed tonight and getting ready for tomorrow–tomorrow!  But if I do that, I’ll probably waste half the day trying to start school.

    Have any of you ever experienced this?  I really enjoy homeschooling, but….right now, I just don’t feel like dealing with it!  Does that make sense?



    Oh YES it makes perfect sense to me! I feel the same way! We too have had a good bit off..and I still have lots to do! I think I am not ready because my to do list is not crossed off! We had a unexpected leak that took over a week to take care of. We had to pull up floor, lay down floor, and not be in our kitchen! With visiting family, taking down holiday decor, and some sickness..I feel like we just started!

    Sigh! Just wanted to say you are not alone! I am not ready..therefore we won’t start back until Wed! I will do devotions and literature but that is it for the next two days!

    Maybe I took too much time off??? Dad was home the whole time…so it is hard to get the kids to do school when dad is home. I need to look at the positive and see how much family time we got to have!

    I am right there with you! I pray that you will be able to have a good week!


    meeeeee tooooooo!   sigh.  lifting it to the Lord!

    Rachel White

    We actually started back last week, but with a lighter schedule, two heavy days as I felt like it and two lighter ones on the days I wasn’t feeling well (I have had a neurological flare up). Now, tomorrow is coming and I am not going to do a full schedule either; my husband has fallen into an isolated, self-centered depression that has left the children and I as outsiders and frankly treated very badly by him (this isn’t new, has happened before, I’m just losing my tolerance for it, it almost destroyed our family before, but he made tremendous strides, but this year, he’s relapsed several times).

    So, I will probably be taking off to my parent’s and grandma’s for a couple of days just to get outta here, out of this atmosphere; so who knows how much we’ll get done. My motivation is nil, my shoulder hurts, as does my children’s hearts and my own.

    This is probably more info. than you wanted to know or expected but I understand where you’re coming from even under other circumstances when he has been “normal”.

    I suggest a bare bones, just basics schedule; ease into it and you’ll probably feel better next week.

    Prayers appreciated, Rachel


    Praying, Rachel.  Although no two situations are the same, my heart goes out to you as one who has been (somewhat) there.



    Well, this morning I discovered that part of the reason (maybe a large part) that I was feeling out-of-sorts the past couple of days was that hormonal thing….so, knowing that helps!  (Grrrr!)

    I have decided to pick a couple of morning subjects, a couple of afternoon subjects, and just go with that today.  I’m also scheduling a “library day” for Tuesday or Wednesday.  That ought to help, then I’ll just tell the kids we’re going to ease back into a regular schedule by the end of the week.

    Also, since I tend to enjoy planning events (even for school), I think I create a couple of theme days:  “D.E.A.R. Day” (Drop Everything And Read), where 3 times during the school day I blow a whistle (or something) and everyone drops what they’re doing and reads for a length of time; “Wii Wednesday,” where each child gets to play Wii for 20 minutes or so after they’ve completed certain subjects; “Tic-Tac-Toe,” where subjects are written on a tic-tac-toe grid and they “play” against Mom to pick which subject to do next…..lunch is the center square, and Mom has to pick that one when the time is appropriate….when the child gets a tic-tac-toe, school is over for the day.  Planning these kinds of things is actually rather motivating for me.

    I will lift up you and your family in prayer, Rachel.  Sounds like a spiritual battle to me, and remember–the battle is the Lord’s!



    wow, cool themes!

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