I printed Volume 1 from the online version and took my time reading it when the kids were very young. I highlighted, took notes, and slowly absorbed that book. I remember holding pages in my hands while I pushed my child in the baby swing at the playground. Since finishing Volume 1 I’ve been telling myself to the read the other volumes, but I haven’t gotten to them yet except in bits and pieces and in isolated quotes.
A homeschooling friend of mine bought the entire series. She loaned me Volume 3 and I’m thrilled. I am reading about one chapter every other day. (I do wish I could write in the margins!, but I’m content with taking notes from a borrowed book.)
Like Sonya, I don’t agree with everything Charlotte Mason writes, but even when I disagree, I stop and ask myself why I disagree. This forces me to define my own beliefs…and sometimes I end up agreeing with Charlotte afterall!
You’ll love your new gift and treasure it over many years, I’m sure.