I accidentally changed an SCM shared/public resource

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer I accidentally changed an SCM shared/public resource

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  • Raquel G

    I just realized that I edited a shared resource:  https://apps.simplycharlottemason.com/resources/detail/15235.  I am so upset & wonder how many others I accidentally changed.  Is there a way to lock them so that we have to copy by default?  I know I’m not the only one who has done this.  I didn’t see the line about changing it for everyone until today.  I made the mistake last week.    Please help.


    This is something that I suspect the SCM team has been looking at how to manage.  Don’t fret, though; if I have already scheduled a resource in my SCM Organizer for the year, I’m pretty sure it will remain untouched for me at this point.  Same for others who have scheduled resources already.  It just means someone who is just now finding something on the Bookfinder will have to make a copy and edit the copy to their liking.

    I would suggest, if you have the time, you check each of your recently scheduled resources, looking at them on the Bookfinder, where it will tell you when past edits were done. That way, if you spot any that were likely your doing, you can send a list of those resources to Doug or Jordan, and they’ll enjoy having the feeling of job security as they work on straightening them out, LOL!

    If you really, really feel bad about it, you can post links to your 5 best quick-and-easy-school-day recipes to share with us busy moms….or send whole grain muffins to every family on the forum….(you realize I’m just kidding, right?)

    No worries!

    Raquel G

    thank you for the laugh.  I know I’m not the only one who has done this in error.  I snorted at the “job security” comment.  That’s cute.  When I have time, I will look at the others but I’m hoping that’s the only one I didn’t copy.  I think I created a good number of my own resources after a quick perusal when I realized my error.

    Jordan Smith

    As Sue said, no worries. 🙂 We are looking at some ways to make sure our recommended resources keep the recommended division order, while still letting people edit those resources as needed for custom schedules.

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