Hymns Online with all stanzas?

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  • Linleigh

    I’m looking for a recording of hymns that have all stanzas included. I can find hymns on iTunes, of course, but how can I find a version that has ALL stanzas? Or is there an online site I can use? TIA!


    It’ll take some searching, but youtube has a lot of hymns done by various artists/choirs. Some will have all stanzas, some won’t, or course.




    I need this for when I’m not around to sing with my kids. I found a good one on YouTube, but if I’m not around, I’m afraid they’ll see inappropriate comments or links when the video ends. So I’m hoping to find something else besides YouTube.


    Try this website – http://www.songsandhymns.org/hymns/  I’m terrible at inserting links via posts, so if the link doesn’t work, try copying and pasting it so it ends with the word hymns


    It might be hard to find a definitive version with ALL verses.   Some songs have four verses in four different hymnals and only one or two of the verses match.  And some hymns (one of the Wesley ones, can’t think right now just which one) has about 11 verses, and then the hymnal editors pick and choose which ones they want.

    I’m one of those people who loves to sing ALL the verses.  It would be fun to find such a resource and compare all the hymnals and question the editors and find out why they picked the verses they picked. (Okay….it would be fun for me…I freely admit to being just a bit odd in that way! *L*)

    Sonya Shafer

    *sneaks in to whisper to Karen* I’m proofreading a project that you might really enjoy. Stay tuned.


    What? What? What did you say Sonya?

    I hope you are hinting about something that I would love to buy. LOL!

    Sonya Shafer

    Who, me? Hint about an upcoming resource? Wink


    OOOOOHHHHHH! Really???? So instead of checking in three times a day, I need to check in more often???  *L*

    Sounds like a very neat project…..and one I’ll want!

    Doug Smith

    I’m one of those people who loves to sing ALL the verses.  It would be fun to find such a resource and compare all the hymnals and question the editors and find out why they picked the verses they picked.

    It is fun and worthwhile to study. You’ll often find verses added by multiple authors over the years and choices of verses to fit the particular doctrinal bent of various groups as they created hymnbooks, etc. Sometimes you run into forgotten gems with rich, deep, Biblical contnet that haven’t been used for a long time due to hymnbooks desiged to appeal to the broadest audience possible.

    If you like that kind of study, you should take a look at Hymnary. They have an index of hymns with historical and biographical information, and even charts showing how popular each was in hymnbooks going back to the 1700s.

    There is also a feature where you can enter a bit of a tune on an onscreen piano keyboard and search based on that!


    Have you looked at Hymns for a Kids Heart book & cd? That’s what we use. There are many stanzas included for each song. There are 4 volumes.


    OH, we LOVE the Hymns for a Kids Heart.  We have others in that series, too.  My girls really enjoyed those.

    And I like Joni and Bobbi’s voices – not fancy, just perfect.  And good harmonies.


    Doug- thanks for the Hymnary link – I’ll use it! *L*


    Great link, Doug! It is bookmarked and we will start using it Monday…while we wait for Sonya’s new product! Can we pre-buy?


    Yes, can we pre-buy?

    We also use Hymns for A Kids Heart but are looking for an additional resource for this topic.

    Doug Smith

    We avoid doing pre-orders so we don’t have to worry about something going wrong that might delay a product past expectations. It helps all of you stay happy and helps us sleep at night. Smile

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