Hungry Planet – How to?

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  • Misty

    So we decided to order Hungry Planet as we loved Material World.  I am at a bit of a loss on how you scheduled this book or how much of it you read aloud?  We are going to do it for family studies and would love some input from others who have gone before us.  This book is set up so different than Material world (at least at 1st glance).  Thanks Misty


    What I’m doing is alternating between MW & HP each week and having my children read a section. Since we’re in Module 4 and studying Europe, we’re working through European countries right now. Anyway, I just have each child read it silently and then I read it to my youngest. I don’t have them narrate, just read it.


    Misty, these books are scheduled in the new Visits to ___ books. Otherwise, I would choose a country in the area of the world we were studying and read a section. My kids read these all the time on their own, too. 


    Thanks ladies!


    I should have added to my above post that we don’t use the “Visits To…” books at this time. My children just do a weekly map drill and then read the HP or MW books as I shared above.

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