Hufi/charlotte mason help book list

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Hufi/charlotte mason help book list

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    I have been lurking around various cm forums for the last week, trying to find one that is a good fit. With a specific emphasis on comparing the book lists (I have a couple years to plan). So yesterday I began hand copying the book lists. Stupid I know, but i learn by writing and by writing them down I pretty much instantly remember if the book was written in another curriculum or not (and it helps me control my ADHD if I do something simple but direct while I do something boring-like working (I work from home)).

    Anyhow. Hufi/charlotte mason help was one that I was looking at (and really liked). Simply charlotte mason is my other one. I copied the scm list first. Well I went tonight to pull up the hufi lists-which worked just fine last night-and apparently the blog was deleted. I really like the preschool program (most relevant) and kindergarten program over there. Or suggestions or whatever you want to call it. I saw on previous posts in this forum that some of you may have the list (I think someone said they have it in an excel sheet? Maybe?) . I don’t know how old the post was though. If anyone happens to have the book list (for all years would be ideal), and would be willing to take pity on me, and maybe email it to me, I would be most appreciative.

    P.s. Sorry for posting about another curriculum here, but i think it’s allowed? And sorry if this is in the wrong “category”. I sorta took my best guess.


    Check this post

    A master book list has been created. It might be what you are looking for.

    This post too


    Thank you!!!! That is PERFECT!!


    Linda Faye still has her curriculum for years 1-6 posted on


    Thanks. It came back on the next morning. The night I posted it all of her stuff was just showing a message that it had been deleted and the domain name was not available. All that was visible was if I googled it I could see the small sample/description and it just said something about her saying goodbye. So I thought she just deleted the whole thing. I think maybe the site was having technical problems.

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