HSLDA's message today


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  • Misty

    I think this is so imporant that I wanted to paste it here.  I am sure some of you got this in your email also, but we can NOT forget how blessed we are to home school and never take it for grantite. 

    I just copied and pasted it here.

    Urgent Post-Election Update from Mike FarrisDear Friend,

    It’s going to take even more effort to defend our God-given parental rights.Mike Farris
    HSLDA Founder and ChairmanThere is no easy way to say this. Our goal of protecting parental rights and homeschool freedom just got a lot harder as a result of Tuesday’s election. This is especially true in the U.S. Senate where we will now face 53 senators who have uniformly supported UN treaties to undermine our families and our national sovereignty.
    Those who wish to push America into the camp of UN-controlled nations have to be absolutely giddy at their prospects.
    Before the election, we had obtained intelligence that the proponents of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities were going to make a serious run for ratification during the lame duck session of Congress that starts next week. Their chances of success have dramatically improved.
    We can and must fight back. We need 34 senators to stand against these efforts that would place American policy and our families under the watchful control of the United Nations.
    It is going to take a far more robust effort to stop the ratification in this political atmosphere. We will have to conduct a massive public relations campaign to educate about American sovereignty and the impact of UN treaties on our liberty.
    Time is absolutely of the essence to stop the Senate from handing our nation over to the bureaucrats in New York and Geneva. Please give sacrificially today to our Homeschool Freedom Fund to halt this pro-treaty surge.I just returned from Germany where parental rights in education are non-existent. German parents warned me to redouble my efforts to stop these UN treaties lest we fall into the same trap.

    I need your help right now. Your donation is tax-deductible. More importantly, it will help preserve your God-given freedom to direct the education and upbringing of your children.

    Michael Farris


    Misty, I just read this in my email! Very scary on all points. I posted yesterday about our parental rights being taken away. We need to be in prayer that this won’t happen!


    Yes, these are very real threats that so many in America either don’t know about, don’t understand, or simply don’t believe. Those people are living in a fantasy world. Rachel said it best on the voting thread when she said that America voted against freedom in this election. Those in power who would ratify treaties such as these are working to enslave our citizens not to protect anyone or anything.

    “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. “

    – Harry S. Truman

    “Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – often attributed to Ben Franklin, but the truth of it stands whomever said it. The opposite of liberty is slavery. The opposite of safety in the context is personal responsibility.

    The words of these men and so many other forefathers and leaders of this nation have been forgotten and forsaken. We are blessed to have the opportunity to choose our leaders in this country, but when we continue to choose leaders that would limit ALL of our freedom and liberty under the guise of false security (government responsible for all aspects of our lives) we should not be surprised when the cloth is pulled back and things are clearly revealed.

    Praying for our country and its leaders and working to help others understand what is truly at stake are of utmost importance.



    Rachel White

    Christie your choice of quotes were very appropriate; I agree completely. I received this in my email, too and not surprised. People get the government they deserve, right? Another equally disturbing event, just hours after the election, was the move towards readdressing the global ban treaty in March. If we have no guns, or limited, prohibitive access to them, we have no way to defend ourselves against tyranny.


    Remember, as the Pres. told Medvedev of Russia: he’ll have more flexibilty after the election.

    Good grief! Words matter!

    Our Founder’s became traitors in the eyes of their country(being England), willing to be hanged for their choices. They swore their lives, fortunes and sacred honor for America and I guess we must do the same to maintain it. I shudder at the Passionate Sage, John Adams for his statement: “Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present Generation to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.”

    and following up on Christie’s last statement:

    “Let us dare to read, think, speak and write.” -J. Adams

    Get locally involved, elect good governors and sheriffs.


    Saw this yesterday morning and immediately forwarded it to my husband.  If ever there were a time to be on our knees in prayer, it is now!


    I have been trying to break my head trying to comprehend why would people want to give up their freedom and vote the way they did. 🙁 I have been so sad the last few days, We know things are gonna get very bad but it seems like Americans in general are like the frog experiment. The frog was killed by hot water, but never realized it cause the temperature of the water was raised little by little. By the time it realized it was too hot it was too late. I’m afraid this is what is going to happen to us 🙁


    I just wanted to send so those who don’t get these emails could be aware and warned.  I want to be sure we stay on focus of this thread and keep our prayers, comments on the reality of what it means as home schoolers (not on who we voted for, cause that’s already been decided).  I am so concerned as I never want this freedom to school my children taken away.  NEVER!

    This act will severely limit the decisions parents make for their children and believe it or not give immense power to the children and government…these are not things anyone should be wanting.  Homeschooling will be a victim of this law as it is elsewhere if we are not vigilant.  It is sometimes hard to keep politics and policies apart I think perhaps it is impossible….actually it does not matter who is president because all of them need watching to make sure we do not capitulate and find ourselves not run by the US Government but by the United Nations.  If you don’t believe what a terrible thing it would be, then look at the European Union – that most certainly is not working on any level to serve any of the countries it represents.  When we see rioting in Greece, we are not only seeing too many people who want something for nothing, but we are also seeing a country that gave away its  sovereignty and that is always a recipe for disaster.  The US may be a melting pot of nationalities, but it is also a country based on a solid framework, and with solid traditions, laws and the like, just like other countries….when you give that away, you give away most of the things you hold dear and you belong to a collective…it is not a fun place to be.  So yes while not wanting this to be political, there are things on the agenda that should be fought tooth and nail, unless you wish to live under the umbrella of others who do not have the same values and traditions – be very careful and watchful, because you may well wake up one morning and find that your right to home schooling is gone, your right to guide your child’s religious views are gone and just like Christmas a lot of the traditions will be lost…once freedom and tradition are lost, they rarely come back.  I for one do not want to be ruled by a global collective.


    Well it seems I offended others by my post, I’m sorry if my post was out of topic and was never intended to offend. If I knew how to delete it I would. This is why I try not to comment on topics like this.

    I don’t think you offended anyone clay – I think people were afraid of this going into an area where people are uncomfortable…as I said in another post…we should not be offended by different views, just have and open mind and heart on both sides and show respect for those different to ourselves…homeschooling is what we do on this forum and as such anything that threatens that or could threaten that right, should be out there so we can all fight to retain it.  Don’t you worry now…you said nothing wrong.


    Thanks missingtheshire! I would hate to offend somebody and start a heated debate! since that was never my intention. I understand what you are saying. We are praying hard for our rights as homeschoolers!


    Clay – not at all just wanted to ditto what Missingtheshire said.  Just want to keep our rights here to homeschool

    Rachel White

    No offense, Clay! I’m the one that went sort-of off topic about the UN Global Gun Ban. Though, I don’t see it as separate from my parental rights.

    I see G-d-Given Rights and Freedoms as a whole unit (one is threatened, they are all at risk) and I don’t compartmentalize them. The UN is a threat. Period. Without my second amendment freedom, there aren’t any others since it is first and foremost a deterrent against tyrannical governments, with hunting and personal self-defense coming after. One of the first things taken away from a people/Nation, prior to more controlling measures under tyranny, was their gun ownership rights. Remember the two reasons for Lexington and Concord? The reasons the British were on the move were 1-to capture Hancock and Sam Adams and 2-to capture our gunpowder so we’d be defenseless.

    However, since this is a homeschooling forum, I’ll try to restrain myself a little!WinkYell

    Please call your Senators. Even those in your state that perhaps you didn’t vote for can be frightened by mass phone calls from people who did not actually vote for him/her. Even if you didn’t vote for him/her, you still may have power to affect their votes (well with many of them, if they’re more Blue-dog; for others, like in certain states, it may be hopeless-sorry). Also, sometimes you don’t really know how principled your Senator is until you ask to know where they stand on these issues surrounding our Sovereignty and Constitutional usurpation. I’ve been surprised and disappointed a couple of times by my Ga. senators. So Call and email!!

    Thank G-d for our lobbying power in HSLDA among other parental rights groups. I think I’m going to have to reapply for membership, now.


    Clay, I’ll always love that frog in the pot analogy! I use it myself from time to time and it is so appropriate in this situation. No offense taken, no apology needed.

    We all can be easily led and lulled into this false sense of security; it is indeed such a blessing to have HSLDA and these eagle-eyed hs moms on SCM to keep us aware of the ever-boiling pot.

    Rachel – thanks for your always-inspiring words. We’ve never been members of HSLDA, but I am researching today.

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