HS'ing High School, CM and other methods, help?

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  • MamaWebb

    My oldest is in 8th grade and I am starting to feel some terror and dread about teaching High School and documenting it properly.  Can anyone offer some tips, information, or indispensible resources?  Where do I begin and how do I incorporate CM style methods?



    We live in a state where we do not have to do anything for the state, however for myself I did the following.

    Kept a book list of all books read, movies watched, documentaries seen etc per subject, per child, per year. Kept samples of all work, choosing a best and a worst. Because I had planned subjects out by time, I was able to glean how many hours they had done and had that for credit purposes. I kept a running transcript going through the years, adjusting where necessary. For things with a curriculum, math and science for example, I just listed book and test scores – I listed extra curricular things like sport, equestrian, volunteering etc, also their crafts etc. That is about it…..I used a mix of CM and traditional – traditional for math and science, and then CM for history, art, music,Shakespeare etc, for English we used Epi Kardia to learn how to write essays and research paper and then did narrations and some literary analyis – terms etc so they would know those things should they decide on college. I basically have prepared them to do well in college, even though they are at the moment not planning on it. Don’t know if that helps at all? Linda


    thanks linda.  i don’t think NJ has any particular requirements other than being comparable to public HS.  I just am not sure where to begin.  


    Are you currently using the Simply Charlotte Mason Online Organizer and their history modules? If so you already have plenty of documentation. Just keep on with what you are doing.

    Sonya Shafer

    This series on Homeschooling through High School the CM Way might get you started in the right direction.


    The Ambleside Online website has some good information about high school and documentation ideas.  As far as I know the previous restrictions on linking to AO pages is not on the AO site anymore, so here is the direct link to the information:  http://amblesideonline.org/HighSchool.shtml 

    However, if that link is taken down, you can go to the AO main page http://www.amblesideonline.org and click on “Curriculum” and then the “High School” link near the top left and find the information.  I don’t have personal experience with hs years yet (and won’t for awhile), but I find the info on AO to be helpful and thought I’d pass it along.

    Another helpful resource I’ve come across at a local homeschool convention is NARHS.  They gave out a free booklet about how to document high school credits using your own courses/course descriptions.  If you have a local support group, you might see if anyone has it or access to it because it is written for any type of homeschooler/philosophy.  Their website also has a book that can be purchased to help with the same type of information, just with much greater detail than the freebie.  http://www.narhs.org/taxonomy/term/6


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