HS Teaching v. Transcripts..

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  • Misty

    Ok so teaching high school really doesn’t scare me at all. I mean it’s just going with what I have been doing. It’s hopefully following where I have been going.

    BUT transcipts, etc those scare the “stuff” out of me. I mean, then I worry about forgetting something. Not putting something in there. I don’t read books that tell me how to do these things well. They don’t make since. I need just some basic:

    Freshman year we did….. AND this is what it looked like on our transcripts.

    ect. etc.

    Also, just a spreadsheet with what a transcript looks like.

    So is there such a book? Or website?

    that stuff really worries me. I have one older home school mom who would help me I’m sure but her kids are all college bound I’m sure. Also, they push things farther than we would probably. (bit of over achievers, nothing wrong with that).

    I just want to be sure we get the basics done. Finish everything on time (or sooner) and they can start pursuing a life in a field of choice college or not.

    Anyone else feel like this? Mine son is in 7th grade this year and I worry I will forget something important.

    Does someone know the best place for finding out what “your” state requires for HS?

    Thanks for listening to me whine. :0)


    HSLDA has information on Transcripts – it isn’t necessarily telling you how to do it from a CM curriculum, but might give you some ideas…  http://www.hslda.org/highschool/academics.asp#transcripts

    at the top of the same link there is lots of general information about High School, plus tabs for information about Before High School, and After, etc…

    Here is (I think) the information on what each US state requires for homeschool  http://www.hslda.org/hs/

    There is LOTS of other good information on the HSLDA site… and although we don’t belong, I know there are people on here that would recommend it because they needed their legal services. 

    Wish the Canadian site had information like the US one does!


    Misty, Lee Binz is a homeschool mom who I’ve really relied on in records/transcripts and all that.  Here is a website of hers with several levels of help for transcripts:


    She has everything here from some free resources to get you started to a personal transcript service she runs (costs, of course.)  Check out the free webinar first, then if you are ready for more, consider her book Setting the Records Straight (about all high school records) or The Easy Truth About Homeschool Transcripts.  I can recommend more books, also, but there ought to be things here to get you started.  What I really recommend is to 1) Decide what courses you want on a transcript, 2) make out a basic plan (use the wonderful resources at HSLDA to help, also Janice Campbell has some at everydayeducation.com  –she used to have a basic 4 year plan article but I can’t find it now and have to run.  THEN begin collecting what you’ve done as you go along.  Keep good records of what you do, then one day in late junior year or senior year, you take that info and make a transcript.  I know it sounds intimidating at first but it is do-able.  You can easily search the net for many transcript samples.  I can send you ours if you pm me.  I did a by-subject instead of by-year transcript for ds #1; haven’t decided for #2 yet. 


    Thanks I will start with that! I hope somewhere along the way it will just “work” for me and I’ll get it.

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