I am wondering which would be a better use of time. Having my child learn to do a research paper or an essay? I am hoping to have time to do both but would like to know if we only will get to one (in the high school years) which would be a better use of time? Thanks
My oldest DS (13) is using IEW this year, and his one-year course of IEW has taught him how to do both (and he has done both). He did the program through a co-op, and they used US History-Based Writing Lessons, but I know all of their themed writing lessons use a similar approach.
So I don’t know if that answers your question, but in my experience IEW has offered him a solid foundation to be able to write either one.
ESSAY FIRST. Then “expanded, research-noted, much longer” essay next. If you only have time for one, the basic essay is necessary for college testing and is a first thing that will be needed in a college English class. You will, however, hit the research paper fairly quickly in a great many college classes–there will likely be some at the end of the terms.
Have used Jump In three times; Power in Your Hands now, although having read through the relevant section, we will do one paper of it, and then still do a more intensive research paper last semester senior year. You really can’t have too many of them under your belt for the college-bound.