HS for the Trades Kid – Looking for someone…

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  • Misty

    Looking for someone who has had a child go onto trades or apprentice without college

    My oldest is most likely (never will say 100 percent, cause we all know that comes to bite us LOL) going to become a carpet installer like my self-employeed husband.  He started last year working a bit with him and fell in love.  This summer he’ll be working more and totally enjoys this.  This is also the type of kid who is in no way college bound, teach him hands on once and he’ll master it in an afternoon.  So be it installing carpet or working in an automotive place is where he’ll be somewhere were he’s moving, working with his hands and so forth.  Don’t get me wrong he is very smart, very driven and a typical 1st born in every way.  But sitting at a desk is not his style, be it in a school or in an office. He needs something that makes him strive for the next thing, being bored is not good for this child.

    So where I am going with this.  Besides the very basics for high school what did you do?  We keep going up the math line and are doing well.  Science he’s done all the high school basics.  We have plenty of electives things like – Financial/Stewardship, Economics, Government, Logic, Agricultural science, Automotive/Farm Mechanics, Building/Construction, Family management, Health, Home Economics, Small machines, Wildlife Science, Sign Language

    But where do I go for English?  He can narrate amazingly, we work on spelling daily, written narrations are ok/good, knows his parts of speech and for the most part mechanics.  What would I want to do now?  More typing? What would you do for a simple research paper? (we’ve never done one)

    What else has your trades/apprentice type kids done or wish they had done?  Any suggestions from graduated or almost graduated children would be wonderfully appreciated.  Thanks for listening to my random thoughts, comments and what-now! Misty


    For English I rotated between composition and literature,  after speech and grammar were completed.  Literature can be a reading list or a literature curriculum.

    There are many options for research papers.  My boys ended up using instructions from a college student online called something like , How to Write a Research paper in one day.

    My latest find is Character Qualities Language Arts.  The author has Meaningful Composition courses too.

    I have heard that being able to write detailed instructions is important in today’s business world. It is called technical writing.

    For other subjects,  see if he has ideas such as mechanical drawing,  welding,  etc.   Christian Light has a technical drawing curriculum.

    Entrepreneur books are good, as well as business books if he is interested.

    Has he led a family Bible study? Are there other life skills he needs to learn? Does he have a resume,  and has he practiced interview skills?

    If he is interested in Bible study tools or apologetics?



    My son graduated 2 years ago and has gone on to work for a large, local company. It’s the same company his father works for and he is doing well there.

    He had absolutely zero interest in college and when we realized that he had accomplished all his required credits as a junior, we graduated him a year early. He already had a part time job at that age and went on to get a full time job with the same employer. He worked there and continued putting in applications for his current place of work, until he was finally hired after a year.

    For English, I required him to read several classics a year and he had to write a 100 word essay every week. He studied Latin and Greek root words and worked through a few writing books from IEW. He continued to work on and review his grammar skills by working through Easy Grammar Plus. I also required a LOT of reading. 🙂 He had to read good literature for an hour every day in addition to all of the extra books he read for history. He participated in a book discussion club. I think that about covers what we did for English throughout the highschool years.


    This sounds like my husband! He started working at a garden center when he was 15 because his mom worked there. Now 15 years later he is their main buyer and is lined up to help run the place with the owners son in law.

    I would research if he needs any certifications or if any certifications would make him more desirable to hire. My hunsband owned a landscape design business on the side for 7/8 years and learning all the liscencing and insurance stuff was very new to him.

    Maybe make sure he knows how to honestly track his expenses for tax purposes later. The joys of self employment is the taxes can be brutal, and getting everything together for the year in April because you have to is not fun.



    Thanks we are doing history read and other reads.  Speech would be a good one, any recommendations for speech?

    Yes, at this pace he’ll be set to graduate with all basic requirements by the end of 11th grade, probably by Christmas this next year.

    Certificates are a good one also.. we’ll work on that thanks.


    We used a book by Don Aslett. I think it was called Speak Up!

    My son enjoyed it.


    Secrets of the Great Communicators is our speech curriculum.  It is a dvd and workbook.


    7 Sisters Homeschool has an inexpensive speech program that seems very practical. It’s called Say What You Mean for Teens.


    Thanks I will look into each of those!


    Missceegee – wow you are way ahead of the game how do you always get the sneak peeks??  I just tried to look up the speech program and couldn’t find it so I thought I would just send a little email thinking I was just missing it.  Nope it’s at the editor now and not ready to be published till summer.  That said Sabrina was so gracious to send me a little sneak peek and I’m on the list to be notified when it’s up and ready to be bought.  That is exactly the type of thing I need.

    Also, as I looked around I found something else I was in need of and that was a guide to writing a essay for high school.  So cheap and easily layed out I bought and downloaded it (and a few freebies!)

    Thanks for that site I will be looking it over more as time allows.  Thanks Miss you are amazing!


    Actually, Misty, I gave you the wrong publisher. The speech is from http://artofeloquence.com/store/SWMT

    7sisters does have lots of neat stuff, but I mistakenly attributed the speech stuff to them.


    I will look at that!  LOL you have such great resources I wish I could sneak a peak into your bookmarks!

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