My children are 14yob, 12yog, and 6yob. I feel led/compelled to ramp up our schooling and do alot more. I really want to dive into CM and a deeper education for us all. (I had a horrible ps education.)
We have done no CM to speak of. My children are not big readers, although if the book is good, they do enjoy it. My son absolutely love Story of the Romans a couple of years ago.
Here is what I am using this year so far:
Saxon Math
Apologia Physical Science
Notgrass History (Either American or World; I have both)
**Need imput for English and anything else you want to share
TT Math
Rod and Staff English
Apologia Elementary Sciences
**Need imput for English and anything else…
Explode the Code
Horizon’s Math
**Any suggestions?
We are starting school next Tuesday or Wednesday (DD has to have 2 permanent teeth pulled Tuesday in preparation for braces…)
I am feeling extremely overwhelmed. I want to provide a rich education for us from here on out, but don’t want to k*ll us all in the process!!!
When I discovered the CM method my original plan was to just jump in with both feet, but it was too much change too quickly for the children. I then found this wonderful website and followed the guidelines in their link How do I make the transition to using a Charlotte Mason approach? and it has worked wonderfully for us.
HI, i will list what we do so you can have a glimpse of someone else’s day,
12 yr old:Everyday
TTmath prealgabra
Abeka 7th gr Science as a “Spine text” with living books(still looking for some)
Module 5 for History,Geography and bible with “spine text” This Country of Ours by H.E. Marshall and memorizing US presidents and 50 States using flashcards etc.
Wisdom for life for bible and Scripture memery box on curriculum guide
Free online Grammar sight (as review here and there)
Latin in the Christian Trivium I
Literature readings (aloud and by herself) on curriculum guide by grade level
Natural Speller for spelling
Nature lessons for Copywork (by Sandi queen, i believe)
9yr old:Every day
BJU math
Module 1 and Module 2 history geography and bible with Sonyas Guides Genesis-Deuteronomy and Joshua-Malachi
106 Days of Creation for Science by Sonya
Scripture box
Simply Grammar
Literature Reading book (mixed grade levels do to her interest, from curriculum guide)
Natural Speller
Nature lessons for Copywork
Explode the Code books and Beyond the Code books (for review of phonics and reading skills she didnt really get down yet)
Then we take the other Main subjects and divide them up over the week:
Monday-Music, Tuesday-Poetry, Wed-Artist, Thurs-Shakespeare, Fri-Nature Study
Then we have Character Study, Personal Development, Compostition, Current Events, Gym, Health(12yr old), and Music Lessons (piano and Guitar) Typing, Art, and i do them 1-3x a week depending on the subject, and split them up over the 5 days so they only do 3 subjects of these a day m-f,(on a average week). Narration and Dictation we do during a subject that we are narrating or Dictating about. I love the Organizer to put all these in and just schedule them as needed!
We are done by 1-2:00 usually (we start at 9:00ish) and thats having lunch and snack time in it too!
I hope this gives you some ideas that you were looking for, blessings billiejo
Thanks for your schedule. I really like seeing how others put their schedule together. I noticed you are using both Module 1 & 2. Would you explain this further, just curious? Are you doing them at the same time, or double speed?
Im using Module 1 and Module 2 with Sonya’s Guides for my soon to be 9yr old, Im using Mod 1 1st half of year and Mod 2 2nd half of year because i looked at 8th grade on down (high school later) and decided what year i want to use what module following my public school history classes , so ours does American history 1500-1850 for 7th gr and 1850-present for 8th grade and i worked off that. I started with Mod 6 for 8th gr and worked back down to 4th and i that meant i had to start with Mod 2 this year for 4th gr but i didnt want to miss Mod 1 so i saw Mod 1 had a lighter load then the rest so i figured i would do 2 lessons a day then start Mod 2 and do 1-2 less a day or spread over summer break to finish then start Mod 3 in 5th gr, Mod 4 in 6th, etc,,,,
Then i will have 9th – 12th gr to figure out! There are 6 Modules but only 4 high school years to do them in! The Modules that go with what our Pub school are :9th gr Mod 1 +Mod 2, 10th gr Mod 3+Mod4, 11th gr Mod 5+6, 12th gr Economics (1st semester) and Government(2nd Semester)(not sure if a specific module will cover those?) So I dont think those can be doubled every year(too much reading) so i think i will have to just pick and choose the most important events and people from those Modules for that time frame? Not sure?
My soon to be 12 yr old just started 7th gr and i knew i wanted her to start with Mod 5 then Mod 6 for 8th cause they are in line with my Pub School and she had all the other time frames in other programs anyway, so we will then have to figure out her 9-12th grade too!
BillieJo, thank you for indulging my nosiness (is that a word?). I always like to know the why behind plans. It makes sense. You are doing it double-time, but not using all the resources. There was a living book Economics post here a couple of days ago. There seems to be some interesting living books on that topic. I’ve got a long way to go before my girls get there, but it’s good to have a checkmark in my brain for later.
I first heard about CM a year and a half ago, and I also tried to jump right in. My son did not care for it at all, so I backed up and started slower with better reading books, but we shortened the amount I would read. We really like Queen Language Lessons, they go through High School.
For your 6 year old, read lots and lots. The booklist on Ambleside Online for Year 0 has wonderful, interesting books for young ones.
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