How to Use English Lit for Boys and Girls

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  • CrystalN

    Charlotte assigned this HE Marshall book to her students in what would be about grade 7 I think. Is that right? Was it assigned because, well they are the right age. Or because the historical period matched? And what historical period exactly does it span? I am considering it for my ds next year. She will be in 9th grade and we will be studying either Egypt and Greece, or Rome. Where would this book fit in and how would I use it? Once a week or so? Do I try to line in up historically, or does not particularly matter?





    We used either that book or a similar one a few years ago, when we used curriculum from the Alveary.  Charlotte Mason’s students would have done multiple history streams: ancient, British history, plus French or world, depending in their age.  So they would always have some sort of a more modern history going.  That book would have likely been scheduled to line up with their history that way, and they would have only read that portion.   It might have been assigned in Form 3 (7th & 8th grade), but I’m not 100% sure.

    SCM has their history set up a bit different, so I don’t think it would work quite the same, unless you used it with the last three history guides.   I would just spread it out over how many years you want to spend on the book.  They can add some of the authors to their book of centuries, and connect them historically that way.  I think it would also be a nice addition to their English/literature credit, and that way you wouldn’t have to worry about lining everything up perfectly with the timeline being studied.


    I just looked at my records, and we used A Short History of England’s and America’s Literature by Eva March Tappan.  I know I flipped through the HE Marshall one at my friend’s house, so either the Alveary used it for Form 4 or it’s an AO book.  I liked the looks of it a bit better than the Tappan book, but they are very similar.

    A Little History of Literature by John Sutherland is another similar book, and that’s what my high schoolers are going to read.  I just want them to read it sometime before graduation, so I haven’t really scheduled it out.


    Thanks Holly. Would you think 10/11/12th grade would be too old for the book. That is when we hit the proper time period. She would also read whole books of course. But could it serve as an anthology for a student that age, or is it written for a younger audience? So many books, so little time…

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