how to turn a bad morning into a good day

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat how to turn a bad morning into a good day

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    Hello ladies,  I am willing to listen to any and all advice, wise words, or experience you have for me on this topic.  I have had a bad morning.

      My 3 year old daughter (who has been potty trained for almost 2 years now) had an accident this morning.  She normally goes to the bathroom on her own and so I didn’t think to ask her if she had to go or not.  I just walked into the kitchen to find her completely naked, sitting on the kitchen table!  Why she feels the need to sit on the table, I will never know.  Then she calmly tells me that she had an accident and needs a bath.  So, I run upstairs to run a bath and then run back downstairs to find and clean up her accident.  She had a very big accident, not only in her clothes but also all over the floor and on one of her favorite puzzles.  I cleaned up the floor, threw out the puzzle and took her dirty p.j.’s back to the main level to the laundry room.  Then I went back into the kitchen to get my daughter only to see her pulling apart a new cassett tape and crumpling up the tape.  Apparently she was trying to get it out of the cassett player.  It didn’t work.  So, I grabbed my naked little girl and ran her up to the bath.  My oldest daughter, 7, who is quite responsible, said that she would take a bath with her and help her get cleaned up.  I thought, GREAT!, now I can go and finally eat something and have a devotion.  I thanked her and ran back down to the main level to eat.  While I am in the middle of writing in my prayer journal I hear shouting coming from the bathroom upstairs.  Just as I am getting up to investigate, I here a sound like running water coming from the hallway.  So I go check it out to find water ABSOLUTLY POURING out of the ceiling onto the hallway floor!  I ran back upstairs to see what was going on to find my daughters still sitting in the tub.  My youngest is holding a larg yougurt tub full of water ( we use it as a bath toy) and wearing a rather sly smile on her face.  The bathroom is flooded, as well as the carpet in the hallway near the door.  She had taken several yougurt tubs full of water and dumped them into the little ledge between the the tub and the wall.  Then it had run around the edge of the tub, and having nowhere else to go, ran down the edge of the tub and filled the floor with water as well!  I asked my oldest doughter why she didn’t call me when her younger sister had done this the first time.  She didn’t know.  So, after going through many, many towels, I got the mess of water cleaned up on both levels, called my husband to ask if I should call a plumber, got the kids dried and dressed and put all of the laundry into the laundry room.  Then I checked downstairs, where all three of my kids were, to see what they were up to now.  They were all in the office     (they are not allowed to be in my husbands office alone)  trying to get onto the computer all at once (they are also not allowed on the computer without supervision).  So after getting everyone out and reminding them of the rules, I couldn’t help but think that the whole day is ruined!  Then I looked at the clock and it was only 9:25 am!  I still have a whole day of school and housework and cooking and childcare to go through!  but I’m beat!   I’m already ready for a cozy chair a cup of hot chocolate and a good book! 

      So, I know I’m not the only one who has had a bad morning with the whole day to go through still!  What have you lovely ladies done to turn your day around after it was off to a bad start?  Thanks for listening to my rant!  I am looking forward to any and all ideas!



    If I were you, I would scrap school for the day and put in a movie!

    I think after all that, you deserve some peace and quiet.

    If you’re still set on having school, maybe just do some of your “main” subjects and then have the kids go outside and play for a while.

    And make sure everyone lays down for some quiet time this afternoon. All will be better soon, I promise. Wink


    I’ve never a day quite that bad, but sometimes when “life” just isn’t working right you have to take a deep breath, make some popcorn, put in a movie and call it day.  If you are a non-tv family, get out in the backyard and watch nature, you’d be surprised how soothing that is!  Get the house in order before your hubby comes home and have his favorite dinner (or take out) waiting and start over tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!


    This would be where I would have sit time.  We’ve talked about this before on a thread.. can’t think where.  But I would have everyone get a book and have sit time.  When my kids are in sit time they know I mean “sit time”.  Then I would have time to re-group, pray, exercise, what ever I needed at that moment.  good luck and know it’s just today, tomorrow will be new and different! God only gives you what you can handle, just think how proud he is of you?!

    Misty (and yes I didin’t say better cause I know that’s not always the case)


    Oh Miranda,

    It sounds like you’re in a funny movie = you know the kind where everything that happens would not be funny if it happened to you, but is funny because you’re watching it on the screen.  You poor thing – I think your instincts were right, grab the cup of cocoa and curl up in the chair – hopefully you’ve got a meal in the freezer you can pull out and pop in the oven for dinner.  On days when I’ve just had it, my husband coaches me to just put the girls in their room (5,4 and 18 months) and I try to do it, even for an hour or so, and then I get whatever naughty delight out that I wouldn’t want my children to know I had – ice cream, chocolate chips straight from the bag, hot chocolate (see a pattern?) and then I go online and browse cards or pickup a craft magazine, put on some soft music and just try to change my perspective, muttering prayers along the way.  As long as you’re not spending every afternoon doing this, you shouldn’t feel guilty for taking a breather.

    The other thing I’ve done is just packed up the kids and headed to McDonald’s playland – they’ve got lots of great selection of coffees with chocolate!


    Blessings for a great end to your week!




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