How to start Nature Study with older kids?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study How to start Nature Study with older kids?

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  • mom212345

    We’re starting the CM method in our homeschool this year. We have a 12th grader, 9th grader, and 8th grader.

    I love the idea of nature study and we have referred to, off & on over the years, the HandBook of Nature Study. We started nature notebooks about 4 or 5 yrs ago, then got off that habit. We live in the desert and it’s hot from May – September, then it cools off a little, so summer-time is difficult to get outside.

    Does anyone have any experience starting with older kids? Or suggestions to help us along?




    I’d say approach in a similar fashion as before, but have them choose the media.


    I’d like to bump this up to include getting some ideas for incorporating it into a high school student’s schedule. We have done NS over the years, some years better than others, but as the children get older and their workload obviously heavier, how many times a week would be reasonable for an older student??

    I love Barb Harmony’s site (I hope I spelled that right) and need to refer to it more since she does have high school students (or has had) and I know they still study nature. Maybe you could check out her site. I need to myself, again!


    I would say check Harmony Fine Arts blog.  (that’s Barb Harmony’s site mentioned by previous poster.)  She has some great ideas and also grade level plans to do nature study at home.


    Oh here’s the link-


    It looks like she might not be blogging about nature study anymore, but she has all of her nature study posts archived and you can download some for free, and some you have to pay for.  But she does have a lot of good resources on there.



    I’m bumping this up because, in my search for ideas for nature study with my two teenagers (now that we seem to have more time for it!), I came across this thread. I also stumbled upon some additional information that might be of interest to some.

    I, too, thought Barb McCoy of Harmony Fine Arts might no longer be blogging about nature study. However, I discovered that her fine arts site is not the place to find her outdoor hour challenges. Here is the link for that:

    I’m not sure if I’m the only one who got the two mixed up, but she is still blogging about nature study and offering a boatload of ideas on that subject. Although she has graduated all of her homeschool students, she still offers much help with both fine arts and nature study.

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