How to Handle an Aggravator

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  • amyjane

    I have a ds4 that’s greatest pleasure in life is pushing buttons of those he loves.  This especially true for his 6yo brother.  There are days my older son tells me he hates his brother.  This isn’t really true except for maybe in that moment.  My older one is very emotional and has such a hard time controlling his emotions but that is for another time.  I am at my whits end with my 4 year old.  He is strong (weak) willed and everything is a battle with him but the aggravating has reached monumental porportions.  I also need to add that 3 days ago we found out my dh will probably not have a job after next friday.  And we are currently spending 2 weeks in a hotel with my dh who has been traveling for the last 6 weeks.  So all of these factors need to be included in suggestions.  I want to give him tons of grace because his dad has been gone, I am stressed and preoccupied, and we aren’t at home.  But I am being vulnerable when I say that I am all done and lot’s of anger is rising up in me when I deal with him right now.  Please pray for our family and give me suggestions in how to handle him – even if it is during the temporary “crisis” we are in.  Thanks


    I am sorry Amy that you are going through this.  I am especially sad to read about your husband’s job -that is a terrible stressor and puts burdens in place that little ones cannot understand.  I don’t really have the answers, but I will be praying for you.  I think you are all going to need tremendous patience with each other during this difficult time.  I am afraid that many people will be struggling with these things in the current economic climate, and it will be hard for many families, none of us are really immune.  Your four year old can only understand so much, and the disruptions may be making the problem worse.  Also if you and DH are worried, they will pick up on that and that won’t help either.  If you have the energy, perhaps working on the four year olds issues is where your energy should go.  Reward all his kind and good behavior with praise and encourage him to do those things.  When you feel your own anger rising, leave the room, or distract yourself, otherwise you will add to the issue – be firm in your disapproval of his bad behavior, but do not get angry – show your disapproval and do not give in to him – tell him his behavior is unkind and that it is not how things are going to be in your household.  Do be sure though to praise the good everytime – sometimes children just want our attention, and bad behavior often gets it – don’t fall into that trap.  Make sure your 6 year old feels secure and safe and loved – this would be hard enough without the pressure of losing a job -but is is very hard with that added burden.  I don’t know if any of this helps.  I do hope my prayers will though.  Bless you.  Linda


    I don’t have a lot of advice as I have one of these children too or more .. but my prayers are for you and your dh.  That things change for the better and soon.  Misty

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