How to get kids to start school on time and stay on task; consequences

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules How to get kids to start school on time and stay on task; consequences

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  • CDP4774

    Lovely thread!!! Thank you so much!!!


    I know you’ve posted this awhile back,but I have been thinking of what rewarding/successful things happenend from last year to mention on this forum for parents to try, so read my post of praising children from a few days ago for an idea that may help. Martha


    I have had similar issues and I found that i had to “put away” the phone and computer and worry about the laundry later (it will wait 🙂 ) while it was hard at first it became easier and helped the kids if I was right there paying attention myself and ready to help them.

    Also as Tristan mentioned;  if my kids are not ready for exercise by 7:45 but we’re instead just doing chores or just sitting down to eat breakfast; it got taken away and they didn’t eat until break or lunch. I also work full time and have to leave the house at 2:30 every day so I don’t have time for lagging children in the morning! 🙂

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