Hello everyone! Does anyone have some tips/advice on how to go about writing the letter of intent to send to our school district? We live in Ohio, and we are new to HS. I appreciate your help!
Makes it easy. 🙂 I just include a simple, generic list of my curriculum plan and mterials. Be sure to mention fire safety and phys Ed. For some reason they are so picky about those two.
We also live in Ohio (Cleveland). If you would like to see a sample of what we sent in to notify our school district, PM me. I have a version with our personal information removed, so you can see the form & its contents.
If you’re a member of HSLDA they can help make sure you’re in compliance with all of the laws in Ohio. If you’re not a member, I highly recommend that you make it a priority.
Thank you everyone!!! I am sorry it took me a bit to respond. We are getting ready for baby #3 and sometimes I am not as on top of things as I wish I was. 🙂 I really appreciate your help!
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