How to determine what time period to start?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History How to determine what time period to start?

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  • Dawn

    I have a soon to be 2nd grader.  I am in process of going through the SCM Planning book.  Although my son has read tons of books we did not do a History subject this year.  How do I determine what time period to start in?  I’m considering just starting in the Ancients and then moving up similiar to the curriculum guide.


    I will be doing Early American history with my 1st grader. It took me a long time to decide what to do with him, but I knew he was not ready for the ancients. How to determine where to start? First, what are you comfortable with? CM says to do chronological history; Catherine Levison, a CM educator, says that chronological doesn’t have to be from the beginning, just in order. She advocates starting with the history of your own country first, especially when they’re very young. Second, what do you think your child will get the most out of? As I said at the beginning of my response, ds would not have understood the ancients. Third, what resources are available to you for each time period? Our library has very little on the ancients, and most of it is for older students and adults, not primary (lower elementary) grades.

    Hope I didn’t confuse you further,



    I will say pick the era that either interests you most or you think will interest your child. I honestly don’t think it matters that much where you begin. The Book of Centuries is so valuable in piecing together history if studied out of order.


    I have a soon-to-be 2nd grader and 6th grader.  We have done a hodge-podge of history in the past but since we began  the CM method and utilizing the site/curriculum guide we have made some much needed changes, for the better.  One was choosing an historical focus and sticking to it.  I’m excited to say that we have begun Module 5/Early Modern Times. I allowed my boys to choose and I think they made a wise choice.  It’s something they can understand, yet is challenging them at the same time.  The books have been so interesting, for all of us, and keeping them in the same time period has been much easier on me. 

    Just on a side note: I went to public school and I can barely remember ANY of the Social Studies/History classes I had. What I need to know now, I look up online or read a book about it. Now maybe you do remember, and that’s great if you do, but sadly,  I don’t:(  So, I figure it doesn’t really matter if we go in order or not (we’ll use a time-line, BOC) as long as within each time period there is order.  That makes more sense to me.  Even if we did *go in order* so much happens within each time period it could take forever just to move *out of* the first one.  And then we do have other subjects to cover (and fun to be had) and only one life time (12 years) to cover them.

    I hope that makes sense and does not offend anyone:)


    I follow the scm guide so we started with mod 1 for 1st grader and 4 year old.  We will be doing mod 2 for 2nd and K next year.  I follow the guide b/c it makes sense to me and we enjoy ancients anyway.  But as the other ladies have said use what works best for you.  I think you will find families here use a huge variety, from strictly by the guide to using the site for all the other wonderful resources but not following the guide at all.  This may not be helpful at all to you now that I reread this!  Basically, you can’t screw it up!  God Bless!


    Ok thanks everyone.  I’ll have to give further thought to this. 

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