How to deal with a class clown?

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  • Michelle

    Any ideas? We have minimal desk work with my DD6. Math, handwriting, and reading lesson. I have no idea how to deal with her silliness! She’s always making funny faces or slapping the table or just plain goofing off. She knows the material but it takes FOREVER to get through. I.e., for reading each word she reads that’s not part of a sentence, she makes funny faces and tells me what EVERY word means. It’s distracting for me! I have 3 other little ones and would like to move on…and I am sure she wants to play!

    I’m embracing her humorous side but how do we cool it during school?


    How short are your lessons with her? I would look at that first. Also, might she be very sensitive to whatever sugar is in her diet? Sometimes kids have extra wiggles when they react more strongly to surges in blood sugar.


    Is the material too easy for her? Is she ready to move to something more challenging?

    Is there an activity she loves to do that if she finished a lesson within the set time she could have a few minutes with that activity? If handwriting should take 10 minutes then set the timer for 15 and place the activity nearby. If she dawdles/goofs off she’ll just spend all the time working. If she stays on task then she will have 5 minutes to play.

    I am thinking that she may really want your attention, so maybe setting a time for desk work and if she gets math, reading and handwriting done in that time she could perform for you and her siblings. Maybe a puppet show, show and tell, dance recital, etc.


    Timer with reinforcement may work if I can find a good “reward.” She plays most of the day anyway. I Gerry frustrated assure is also jeopardizing her siblings’ time while she’s working.

    The lessons are very short and if we worked through with no dawdling we could finish in about 30-40 minutes. (or less) She sits perfectly fine through two 1.5 hour sermons on Sundays so she is definitely capable. It really is her personality but I need to figure out how to teach her there “is a time for everything.”

    The level of her work is appropriate. Things she needs to master but could master quickly with focus.


    Okay, I feel like a mean mom here. But I have to say that if I can see that the child is using his/her sense of humor to avoid work and get out of hand, we see it as a discipline issue. I give them a warning to tone it down and get to work, and then we start moving to steps of discipline. Self-control is a habit that should be learned early.

    Hate sounding like the bad guy :).


    “I Gerry frustrated assure is…” although my phone didn’t think so…this was suppose to say..I get very frustrated that she is… :/

    I agree this could be a discipline issue. But really? I have to discipline someone again?! 😉

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