how to correct copywork?

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    Are you supposed to have your child correct his copywork? Like as in, a letter not formed properly or “floating” letters.

    Thanks all.


    We don’t. As a matter of fact here is what I do:

    1. Praise at least 3 things in their copywork.

    2. Ask if they see anything that isn’t quite right/could have been done better.

    3. Either agree with what they suggest or offer one suggestion I see if they don’t think of any. So I would say, “You’re right, that letter is trying to float off the line, isn’t it? Tomorrow let’s make sure we watch each letter as we write to keep it on the line.”

    4. The next day remind them BEFORE they begin copywork that today we’re trying to remember to do ______ when doing our copywork.

    I agree with what Tristan said.  When giving too much criticism, I notice that it makes my children hate copywork.  But when I praise them for the good things they did, they enjoy it much more.


    So, neither of you have your children correct any “mistakes” made in thier copywork?

    I like the part about praising at least 3 things…..need to do this!


    I require spelling/punctuation corrections of ds9. I simply circle the word needing attention. This is rare for him though. If it were more common for him to make errors, I would require corrections with him finding them. I do praise his effort, but with the example right before him I see no reason to make errors of spelling and punctuation. I don’t require other corrections unless he’s been very messy. Do it nice or do it twice is my motto.


    Missceegee, if it is a case of messiness, do you have him do the entire passage over again or just certain words?


    I don’t have them correct copywork mistakes. I DO have them correct mistakes in writing/compositions.


    Messiness results in a total do over. It’s happened 3 times in 2 years. IMO there is no reason for mistakes in copywork bc the example is right there.


    I have had to start correcting my DS with his copywork. I could tell he wasn’t putting forth his best effort. I decreased the amount of writing expected of him (now we are doing about 5ish words-he is 5.5) and told him he’d have to redo it if it wasn’t good. It has been much better since! I think it’s important to make sure he is doing his best, and make sure it’s not so difficult/long that he gets sloppy at the end.

    Today when he showed me his copywork he was really excited that he didn’t have any corrections to do. Earlier this week, the first two words he’d written were sloppy and didn’t have a space between them. I had him erase and redo those two words, and they were much better.

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