How to complete KEEP IT SIMPLY in 4 days of school a week

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM How to complete KEEP IT SIMPLY in 4 days of school a week

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    I’m so excited to be joining this group of SCM. I was introduced to CM with For the Children’s sake. I’ve been using MFW and am now excited to start SCM for my daughter starting 3rd grade (and my two boys in 1st).

    I’m am trying to see how I can complete SCM curriculum (Keep it Simple) by doing 4 days of school work a week plus 1 Nature Study day, making a 5 day school week. I noticed there are 180 lessons. Would we double up on a day to complete in a given school year? A 4 day school week won’t get it done in a timely manner? Or do I need not to worry to roll Genesis-Deuteronomy, and Ancient  Egypt and the Enrichment studies into a new school year.

    My husband is a pastor and we take Mondays off. This gives us 4 days for school. To make up a 5th day, we would be doing a Nature Study all day on Saturday. Would the Keep it Simply planners be able to accommodate my schedule? I really can’t do school all year around…. We organize VBS and other summer camping trips in the summer for our church. Plus, we like to take 2 weeks off for Christmas.

    Another question:

    My daughter will be finishing her MFW Adventures (2nd grade) in the first term of the near school year. This means, we won’t start SCM (with the planners) until the 2nd term…. Will this totally throw us off? My boys will jump along with their sister in all except the Individual studies.


    I’d appreciate your impute and advice.


    I have not used Keep It Simple before, so not 100% sure, but looking at the samples I would say just keep going starting with day 1 and continue. Don’t worry about “missing something” just keep going and when you are done with your school year, feel free to stop 🙂

    That also goes for MFW. I would not feel that it was necessary to fully complete the program before starting with SCM. That said, if you want to complete MFW, go for it and then start SCM when you finished up MFW, and similar to the Keep It Simple… just start with day one and keep on going 🙂

    In our state we are required to teach 172 days, SCM guides have 180 days, but there are “catch up” and “exam” days at the end of each term, so we easily finish the guide in 172 days.

    I often have to give myself permission to let thing go and not worry about finishing a book. Sometimes we pick it back up and other times we move on to something else 🙂

    Thank you for your encouragement. I have a hard time giving myself permission to just carry on… I often get service the curriculum instead of it serving me. 🙂


    I also appreciate you giving more info on the “exam” days and “catch up” days. Good to know!

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