How to ask questions to lead a discussion

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Narration How to ask questions to lead a discussion

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  • Tina

    I have loved learning about narrations and how effective they can be versus fill in the blank questions. I have been thinking about this in regards to our family bible reading. How can I ask more questions after our reading to engage a discussion for my family to apply the verses that we have read versus questions that are simply fill in the blank.  Many devotionals that I have looked at often seem to have questions that are simply…what happened to _____? Any tips?


    Why do you think _____ did what s/he did?

    Does that remind you of anything?  It reminds me of when we read in _____ about how _____ did _____.

    What was your favorite part of what you just read?

    Were you surprised when ____ did that?

    What do you think will happen next?

    What did you learn about Jesus from what you read?

    What did it teach us about how we should live?

    Narration ideas from Build Your Library: “Create a puppet show based on the reading. Draw a scene from the reading and include a short caption. Tell 5 things you remember from the reading.”


    Should he have done that? Why or why not?

    What would you have done in that circumstance?

    Does this remind you of any other story/scripture?

    What were the consequences of that choice/action/decision?


    What do we learn about God from this story?

    What do we learn about ourselves?

    One of my favorites: what other passages in scripture does this remind you of?


    You ladies are so very wonderful! This is a great help! I love it! I will definitely start using them!

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