How to add lessons?

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  • lmclanahan

    When I am scheduling some resources, it automatically goes to Lesson 1 or Lesson 2, etc. as they finish one lesson. When I am scheduling my *own* resources, how do I make it say Lesson 1, 2, etc? If you click completed, it assumes you finished the resource. If I click worked on, it doesn’t tell me their progress.


    Thank you!


    Sonya Shafer

    You add the Lessons or Chapters or however you want to divide your resource by specifying a Division Type and using “add a division” on the screen where you are putting in your own resources. This Add a Resource video will be able to explain and show you much better than I could try to type it here. 🙂 See if it helps, and let me know if you have any other questions.

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