How to add a new student into school

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education How to add a new student into school

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  • Elizabeth Wetzel

    I hope you all are having a wonderful new year!

    I’m finally starting to think about school, again, and I’m a little nervous about adding our newest student in to our day. We have a good routine/rhythm going, and I’m just not sure how to fold in a child who needs all his books read aloud to him.

    – When your schedule is pretty set and then you have a new 6 year old who needs his books read aloud to him, how did you go about adding this to your day?  We start with a morning basket and then move to independent time, but that requires me to be available for assistance when kids get stuck.

    – I stink at being consistent with hearing narrations, especially when my girls read so much independently.  Does anyone have a suggestion for how to manage oral narrations for with 3 kids?

    Thank you!



    This happened to me when I added our 4th son to our school day. It was hectic there for a while, but this is what I did:

    We did group subjects first, like what you are doing with morning basket. Then when that was over, I worked one-on-one with my youngest first. His work was the shortest, so when I was finished with him, I could move on to other kids. My other kids were allowed to ask me questions about their independent work during that time, but you could also structure it so that they save questions for when you’re done and just move on to something else in the meantime.

    It was a bit chaotic at times but it mostly worked, and now youngest is in 4th grade and that season of life is long over. 🙂

    I don’t really have much of a suggestion for the oral narration question. Hopefully someone with more experience with that will reply.


    For oral narrations for independent reading you could have them record their narrations. My super basic phone has a audio record option that we have used and it works great. Then you can listen when you have time, maybe while making a meal or while they are working on independent work.


    My kids also do not do narriations for all independent reading, just some. My oldest has moved into written narrations, so some are oral and some written which cuts down on how many I listen to.

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