We watched these last summer in church in the evenings. I thought the series was great. I think it would be worth buying and just prescreening a couple of sections that you might not feel is appropriate. I know there is a lot of artwork displayed — I would assume there was probably some nudity, but I honestly can’t remember. Something that kind of shocked me in one of the beginning sections was that he was standing in the ruins of an ancient city, talking about how they had been living for pleasure, etc., and they showed a large phallus that was engraved in a stone (I believe on a wall or a patio.)
However, I haven’t had the chance to read the book yet, so I can’t tell you how they compare.
Thanks for posting this question, Nanci; You beat me to it! We recently purchased the DVD’s to use with Truthquest History this year. I would like to preview first but sometimes time is crunched. Thanks for sharing, Suzanne. I too am looking forward to hearing other responses as well! ~ Heather
I saw a review on Amazon that there is nudity in the artwork so beware. Here is the quote from an Amazon reviewer: “While some brief images of what I consider to be immodest art work may make this inappropriate for younger youth and children, adults will find this extremely infomative and helpful.”
I would recommend vetting yourself prior to letting younger children view the DVDs, and I actually think the subject matter is for older teens so that they would get the most meaning out of them. We enjoyed them as a family and really learned a lot – but there is nudity and some may find it offensive, so use with caution. The book is excellent – we used both in 10th grade. I am not saying younger people cannot understand, but to really understand the message I think it better for older ones.
I agree with Linda that it is best for high school age and up. We watched it with a sophomore and a senior. They were able to get more out of it because they already had the background studies of all the historical time periods discussed in the DVDs. It’s really an overview of culture throughout history and how that was reflected in art and other ways.
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