How often to do 'personal development?'

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  • junkybird

    I am just now putting everything in the schduler and have gotten to personal development.  What exactly does it look like to do personal development using the book A Child’s Book of Character Building, Book 1 with a first grader?  Do you read all the selections for the character trait all on one day, or do you spread the school, bible, home and play out over 4 days?  Just curious as to how others do it.



    Sonya Shafer

    I usually spent one week per character trait.


    There is another recent post regarding this if you have time to look, but this is how we do it.  I read one of the stories every Sunday night.  This helps us Monday morning to have something to focus on for the week.  It takes us one month to complete each trait.  I use the verse as part of their Scripture memory and for copy work.  I also try to incorporate the trait into our day and our nightly prayers, for help achieving it, looking for opportunities to exercise it, forgiveness for lack of, etc.  It will take us one year to finish.  We have really liked it and this method works well for us but I imagine it could look pretty different for different families.

    Sara B.

    lgeurink, that is really helpful.  I am working on my 1st grader’s stuff for next year (we are just starting SCM), and that makes so much sense and sounds like exactly what I need.  We have not worked on habit training at all, since I had never heard of it till now.  We are working on dawdling, sort of, but it’s very slow in coming….  I haven’t seen the book yet, but this sounds like exactly what my dd needs!  🙂


    I do exactly what Sonya does…(Yay! that makes me feel like I’m doing something right! Tongue out)

    I just use different opportunities throughout the day to remind my kids of the character trait we read about. For example, when ds tires of reading a book after only one page, I remind him to be diligent. Or when dd tells me she “just can’t do such-and-such”, I remind her about being creative. I try to build one trait on top of another as we progress through the book. My children also really like the stories, and my son follows along as I read; so it’s like getting a 2-fer. ha!



    Thanks for all the suggestions.  For those that do one character trait per week, what do you do after you finish the book?  I was hoping that the book would last the entire year and not just one term.  Are there other books to do without going into the 2nd grade book (Book Two)?  I’ve used God’s Wisdom For Little Boys before and loved that one.




    Another book to try is The Book of Virtues by William J Bennett.  I am just starting SCM this year and haven’t looked at the A child’s Book of Charater.  We have been using The Book of Virtues thus far.  We will use A Child’s Book of Charater this coming year though and  then go back to THe Book of Virtues if it doesn’t last a whole year.  Another idea might be to incoporate The Book Of Virtues into your current plan thus extending each lesson some.




    Hi Kimberly, can you tell me more about how you use The Book of Virtues.  We are using A Child’s Book of Character 1 this year and I was planning on using book 2 this coming year but it is so expensive on Amazon.  Anyway, I bought The Book of Virtues years ago, I think before I had kids, and have not opened it since then either!  How do you use this for your personal development?  I think I will look at it tomorow but your families plan would be helpful!  Thanks!


    I also have The Children’s Book of Virtues by William J. Bennet that I used this year with my Sonlight P4/5.  It has good stories as well.  Somewhere, I have a unit study/lapbook on the regular Book of Virtues.  I can’t remember if it was just a bookmark in the net, or if I had it as my own document.  I will look and try to find it for those interested.  I believe it was for older children though.  It may be over my 6 year old’s head for right now.  Thanks for reminding me that I had it 🙂



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