How much time do you and your kids spend outside?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study How much time do you and your kids spend outside?

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    I am reading the first volume of CM’s series and it is making me feel so bad when she says things like 2 hours outside a day is like starving your child!  Yikes!


    We love being outside, but between cooking, eating, and cleaning up meals, cleaning the house, doing laundry, having nap/rest time, and our in-store errands plus we go to a homeschool center twice a week that is totally indoors, well, 2 hours is pretty good I think!

    Nonetheless I’d love to get out more. My son is 3.5 and an only (so far) so I can’t really “send him out” for long at a time (and CM recommends against this anyway).

    But wasn’t she writing to moms that had ‘nurses’ and cooks, etc.? 

    How does the modern parent spend 5 hours a day outside with her children?  Or perhaps she doesn’t!



    This kind of confuses me, too.  But, I will tell you what I do….

    I have 3 boys and they need the time outdoors frequently, as well as I need them to go outdoors at times.  If they get up early enough for time in the morning they go then for a while (20 minutes), after a few lessons they may go outdoors again, when I am doing individual lessons with one child I will encourage the other two to go outdoors instead of staying in for that time frame. After lunch I encourage them to go out for a few more minutes before we get started at some reading, etc., as a group…my days are routine-ish, but I will change up the order in which we do our lessons.

    It also depends on the day (and the weather)…Mon. we have co-op and they get lots of time outdoors, Wed. my middle boy has horseback riding lessons so they’re all outdoors for at least an hour at one time,  Thurs. we may go to the park since we’re out early for my youngest boys music lessons, Fri. we may have  a field trip that is purposefully outdoors (like a hike or pumpkin patch…just as an example).

    I am really a dunce when it comes to a real Nature Study but really want that to be a study that doesn’t fall by the wayside (I do believe that it is so important) so we’ll be doing some purposeful Nature Studies soon (I guess we already have, maybe I don’t give myself enough credit, don’t know).  That, in itself, will force us outdoors and I will feel that accomplished feeling that I like.  

    I hope this is making sense to you and helping with an answer (I’m kind of new to this), and I realize our children are not the same age…I have to say that the older they get it is easier for them to be outdoors (with me in earshot of course)  and I don’t necessarily have to be out there. When they are little it is the perfect ‘science’ but obviously you have to be out there for it to happen.  If you are good at ‘discovering’ treasures outdoors it could really be fun and you may not want to come inside…I am not very good at that, unfortunately.  I like to be outdoors, but feel that pull to get back inside to get chores done, etc.  I’d like to change that thought process and really capitalize on what God has provided for us in the outdoors.  HTH

    BTW, my kids are 11, 8 and 4.


    BTW, I’v never really added up the time my kids spend outdoors…I should probably do that.  It would be interesting to see if I’m cheating them or if we are on the right road:)


    You must bear in mind that while Charlotte was very wise with methods that are beneficial to children, she was not a mother and therefore had not a mother’s other duties. Oh, and yes, she did live in a time when governesses, nurses and cooks were more prevalent than today, though, if anyone knows where to find one (any of the above) for a fair wage, let me know.Laughing

    My kids are 9, 6, 3, 11 months and we love being outdoors, but realistically 2-3 hours is what we can manage most days.

    Don’t let it weigh you down. Do what you can, minutes here, an hour there, it will all turn out okay.





    A couple of hours is the most we can generally manage, ourselves! I do find that even just an hour makes a tremendous difference to my kiddos, though. Rainy days (especially cold ones) where we can’t go out at all are just a misery for everyone!

    Kelly Bond

    I have two boys, 5 and 2, and I echo the benefits of getting outside as much as possible! I am very thankful to CM for her push to get outside…because of her, we spend much more time outside than we ever would have. That said, how much time we’re outside really depends on the day. Some days, we’re outside 4 hours…like on a great spring/summer/fall day. Some it’s only an hour and yes, some days, even on nice days, there are simply too many other chores or obligations to get outside at all. I do make my best effort to push, though, and make sure that doesn’t happen often. During cold winter days, I’ll be happy with an hour. As the others have said, just do the best you can. Charlotte was a very wise woman and we have so much to learn from her. But as in all homeschooling choices, remember that you are the only one who knows your situation best! Don’t let CM’s writings make you a slave…use them as best as you can and trust God to fill in any gaps.

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