how much planning time?

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  • pmsullivan

    I just wrote a message about my father’s world and i am having a hard time deciding what to do.  I am looking for some input about how long planning takes you once you have some type of schedule.  Will i need to plan for time each weekend to plan for the next week?  How much time in general should i expect?  any ijput would be great



    i  forgot to say i have four kids==8th grade, 5 th grade and two 2nd graders.


    I used to spend about two hours a week on planning for the next week.  I use the Organizer now, and I really only need a few minutes once a week now to make sure I have all photocopies and supplies on hand I will need for the next week.  I get most of the work done and settled before school starts.  Do you have Planning Your CM Education by Sonya yet?



     I spend about an hour each week just collecting the supplies that I need or reviewing what we will be going over the following week. And I spend about three min. on the organizer each day clicking the worked on or completed buttons ..I love this part of the day..I get to check off all the things we’ve accomplished…YEAH for checklists!!

    I haven’t used My Father’s World so I don’t know what sort of time it takes to plan for the year or for the next week. Sorry.


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