How much more planning should I do?

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  • HSMom03

    I have almost all of our materials gathered for our upcoming K year (older K’er so just a little more formal/serious) and I am wondering how much more planning I need to do.  It is probably personal preference but I would like to get ideas from others.  I’d like to feel fairly prepared but I’m not sure what’s necessary for that!  Should I write out daily/weekly lesson plans or should I just plan to “go through the books” this year.  Also, how do you keep everything straight?  I am looking through our science guide (Outdoor Secrets Companion) and I wonder how I can keep track of everything that is needed each week (books, supplies, etc.)  I will need to do this for other subjects as well and it is kind of nerve wracking to think that I might need to flip through several books/guides just to figure out what we are doing each week and what I need to pull together.  So what do you all do?  Thanks so much I really appreciate it!  I can list out everything that we are using if that would help.


    I think when my kids were that age, once I knew the types of things I wanted to do, I planned a few things in advance but I also just kept reading through the books.  So for example, I knew that I wanted to read books X, Y, Z but I didn’t plan what days or how many pages to read – we just read.  So my planning book would say that I was going to read those books, but they didn’t have when I was reading them until we got to it.  Does that make sense?  This also left me the flexibility to add or change read alouds as we went.

    But, there were other things I did plan to do on specific days, such as an art project, or a nature study, or something like that.

    I guess it was more a matter of personal preference:  some things I put down on my weekly planner in advance, and others I put down after as a journaling of what we did.  I know – clear as mud! 

    It seems like the easiest thing for you to do might be to get some sort of planner, notebook, or even just a calendar on which you can put all your thoughts in one place.  Then you can use that as your reminder on what to do.

    HTH a little.  Not sure if I answered your question accurately or not!



    I have used several things to corral my books for certain curriculums together, Outdoor Secrets and Companion being one of them. I put all the books used in OS in a magazine holder (or a box, basket, etc) labeled OS. That is on my shelf so I always know where they are. You could also label a small bin with OS and just gather your supplies into that so it is ready to go when you need it. Then I can use the Companion totally as “open and go”. 

    I tend to just do the next thing. I have made a weekly subject calendar – we do math and reading daily, science on T and TH, history on M and W….Then I add my resources to the SCM Organizer and it helps me track my “do the next thing”. =)


    I like to copy the materials list for each curriculum and keep them all in once place (I have a HS binder).  That way I don’t have to get out each guide every week…it’s all together in my binder.  I try to locate or buy a month or so of supplies at a time.   

    This year, I have a year long schedule of what we’ll be covering.   It’s a total of 4 pages (one sided).  At a glance, I can see we should be covering the 10 Commandments for Bible, obedience for our habit, lesson 7 for Latin, Creation/Adam & Eve/Jubal & Tubal Cain for history, creation for science, and cleaning the kitchen for handicrafts.  I left math and Spelling Wisdom sections blank so I can fill in the details later.  I only listed subjects I want to finish on time or set specific goals for…I didn’t include things like nature study or picture study.  This schedule is just to help me stay on track…I’m sure the actual lessons and topics will be adjusted during the year.

    After our lessons, I like to record what we actually did…what specific chapters we read, projects they worked on, workbook pages they finished, etc.   I’m hoping to pick up an inexpensive planner from Walmart for this, but in the past I’ve created my own pages to fill out (or used printable pages from

    As much as I’d love to use the SCM Organizer, I’m too much of a “paper planner”.  Embarassed


    I have schedule with what day we are doing what listed. The composers, artist, hymns are listed, but math is not. That way I do 15 min of math and we pick up where we left off the next day.

    Basically I know what subjects we will be covering, and certain things are more detailed but for example I have our read aloud book list and I will just do 1-2 chapters a day until we finish them start the next one in the list.

    I know what memory verses we plan to cover but I don’t know if it will take us 1 week or 3 for each one so those are in a list, not actually listed per week.

    Hope that helps

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