How much for a 6.5yr old that struggles?

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  • amama5

    I have really enjoyed CM philosophies on not starting formal lessons until 6; it has been great for my kids and for me to be more laid back.  Last year my daughter did a small amount of copywork/handwriting, math twice a week, and reading aloud to me.  I have added her into her sibling’s schedule this year starting next week with history/geography/copywork/daily math/reading, etc.  She really struggles with learning, with following basic directions, and gets very frustrated about not understanding most things, school and non-school related.  I’m dreading map drills, history, more math, etc. because it’s already a trial for her to learn new things, and it seems like a bit much to add.  Should I add her in more slowly?  I don’t want to expect too much from her, but also don’t want to not expect enough.  She needs to be doing about 2-3 hours a day legally though to meet our requirements, so it seems right to put her in the full schedule.  Thanks


    I would focus on what your dd needs right now. If you push her and she is not ready, you risk turning her off to learning. I would try less formal things like math through cooking and lots of you reading her books that she is able to understand, even if they seem too babyish for her age. And remember that these things and things like nature walks are part of school. We don’t have to count hours but if we did I would certainly include such things.



    I would simplify it a bit and slowly add it in…we seem to do that will all our subjects at the beginning of each year anyway.  When we switched to more traditional CM methods last fall, it was a great way to get us going.  By January, we’d consistantly added in all but a couple areas of school.

    My DD is also 6 (she’ll be in 1st next year).  I’m probably going to hold off on map drills for another year…unless we work on learning continents and oceans instead (with paper slips instead of writing the names out).  I don’t think map drills are a huge priority at that age.  

    I think 3Rs are a bigger prioritity than content subjects (like history and science).  I’d first work on reading and math (even if you are just doing it informally like nebby suggested).  My DC love working with things like cereal and buttons.  We’ll draw a picture (like a tree) and add in some raisins or cereal (for “apples”) and work out some simple story problems (how many apples are there if you add 2 more?).  They love this (and love eating their manipulative at the end).  lol

    I’ve started having DD “narrate” non-school things by conversationally asking about her day or to describe something.  That way she’s already used to the idea of narration, before we add in the readings (which adds in another step of comprehending what she’s read).  I’m hoping this will help her when we begin adding in narrations next year (and they don’t even realize they are doing “school”).  😉

    I hope this gives you some ideas!  My DD can be resistent to school, so I’m also worried about this a bit.  For some reason, she loves pulling out workbooks, but doesn’t care for living books.  Embarassed  I may add in some extra picture books for history as well.  We’ll be using 106 Days of Creation for science, so that has quite a few.  


    Thanks for the advice.  Maybe I will just keep going slow, I think it’s hard though because she has a 5yr old brother who is very advanced in everything he does, and begs for school.  She has started narrating on her own lately though, which is encouraging.  I just don’t see her ever really caring much for school, she says she just wants to be a mama:) so you are right about not turning her off to learning. 

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