How many use the modules for High School?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating General Questions about CM How many use the modules for High School?

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  • Debbie

    Do you continue on as the guides are written or do you change some things? Would love to hear how others do things in the high school years.  Right now I have a 6th and 8th grader.  Trying to determine if we will continue on next year as we are or have my high school head another direction and continue with my then to be 7th grader.




    Are you asking about the history modules?  If so, then, yes, we use them pretty much as written. You can always add projects, videos, field trips, extra writing assignments, more discussions, another book that you don’t want him to miss, etc., if you wanted to or felt you needed to.




    History?  I think that’s what we’re talking.  We modified the modules a while back:  I think I wrote about it on here before but its probably morphed even more since then!

    We follow this order:  Ancients, Middle/Renaissance/Reformation, Early Modern, Modern.  We spend 1 year on Ancients and 2 years on each of the next two modules then 1 year on the last.  It makes for a 6 year cycle through History.

    We use a spine (a CMy spine I guess you might say) and we add biographies, historical fiction, primary source documents.

    I’m a SCM flunkie!

    I never could swallow that they would get “enough” if they only read living books.  So I added the spine (a chronological framework) and kept my sanity while still maintaining a semblance of CM with the additional reading lists.  At times it has felt like overkill and we’ve varied how many of the additional books are on that reading list too in different stages.

    My kids are ~9th and ~7th now.



    We will be using it for high school (and continuing with the younger grades).  However, I’ll be combining the first 3 modules into a year.  I figure we’ll spend a term on each of the first 3 modules (Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome).  Obviously we’ll be cutting out some of the readings and books so we can get through it in a year’s time.

    For credits, I plan on 3 world history credits, 1 American history, and 1 geography (using Visits To…).

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