I would agree the racing thing is twaddle. I think I will “sneak” that one out and see if they ask for it. They probably won’t, honestly. But it was in a toy rotation box, so maybe they don’t remember it anyway? 😛
I am thinking we should only have 1 set of toddler Legos rather than 3. (Lindsey, those are just the oldest. We also have a 2yo son, and we hope for more children in the future.) Megablocks are the ones we have the most of. Maybe I’ll get rid of the other 2 toddler sets. Luckily, that one small baggie is the only set we have of the real (aka small) Legos. So far….. LOL
I am definitely going to give them a limit of stuffed animals. We have this gigantic pile on the floor, and my oldest 2 still have several on their beds! Yikes! Now, I love stuffed animals, and I don’t mind them playing with them (which they do), but for goodness sake, this is just too much! 😛 So tomorrow’s job will be weeding through those, I think.
That’s a good idea for travel toys, Rebecca. I think I will see what I can weed out for that, too.
I’d love to get rid of the Dora doll…. But that is one of the main toys my 4yo has been asking about for over a year (since before we moved from WI, actually). It’s been packed up forever, and she still asks when she’ll get to have it again. That one has to stay awhile yet.
I had to laugh, Lindsey, when you mentioned taking stuff to grandparents’ houses. We actually just did that about a month or 2 ago! LOL And we took A LOT of stuff (but I had 3 homes to split it between – my mom’s, my dad’s (they’re divorced), and my grandparents’).
Splitting the toys up for rotation is what we had originally planned to do, but it was just a mess, I think. Hence this thread….. 😉 But once we get it down to what we really, truly want to keep and love to have around, I think that would work much better. And instead of splitting up the whole case of blocks, just have blocks themselves be in the rotation, right? So maybe this month it’s Megablocks and Tinkertoys, and next month it can be Lincoln Logs and blocks, and so on.
I am starting to get a feel for what will work best for our family. I am so, so very thankful I started this thread! It has been a huge help! If I wouldn’t have posted, I’d still be sitting here staring at a huge mound of stuff.