How many nights dry?

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  • pangit

    How many nights in a row to you have your child be dry before letting them go to bed without a diaper/pull-up?


    At what age?  By age 3, 2 of my 4 were completely dry at night.  A 3rd took until age 4 or so.  And right now I have a 6 1/2 year old who is wet every night.  My rule is usually 3 to 4 nights dry before we try without any protection BUT always with a waterproof mattress pad or additional crib pads underneath them.  Depending on the kid though we wait a week or two before a trial run.  Current kid…we would wait a week at least because he doesn’t have a wet/dry track record – it’s all wet.


    Mine have varied too! Three were dry at barely 3. Oldest girl was 6 while current 7yo girl is still only dry about every other night. Rest are too young!


    for us, we waited until our son stayed dry for an entire month, which for him was about 3 1/2 years old. However, even now, at 7 years old, we have a mattress pad on the mattress for the totally random (maybe 2x’s a year) accident


    My oldest DD was dry at night before she was a year old.  My youngest DD is 7 and we are still working on this.  She has had more wet nights with an occasional dry night.  In the last 11 days she had 4 dry nights in a row followed by 2 wet nights followed by 5 dry nights.  Last night was the 5th dry night.  Her mattress does have a mattress cover on it and her mattress pad is lined with plastic on the bottom, too.  I was just debating if I should go a week or longer with dry nights before trying without any pull up.  I am ready to be done, but don’t want to push it too quick and just have failure.  When she was 4 we went a couple of months being dry and then I don’t know what happened because it ended and we’ve not had much success until just the last couple of weeks.


    I’m waiting a good 3 months of dry pull-ups in the morning before I go to underwear with my soon to be 4yo. I want to avoid the battles and just wait until he’s ready. He’s filling up a sticker chart for a month before we officially pull the plug on Pull-ups.


    Pangit, I’d probably wait a while longer since she hasn’t had a lot of success being dry.  But that’s awesome that dry is happening more often!!!  Some day it will happen for us too…..


    I just looked at her chart again and we are up to 6 nights, not 5!!  Even better than I thought.  I’ve been praying for a long time that she will move past wet nights to dry nights and it is so nice and exciting to be able to say “Thank you, God, for a dry night!” every morning!  During the last 6 nights she has gotten up on her own to go to the bathroom a couple of times.  That has NEVER happened before.


    We did a month!  Still have mattress procectors on the beds just for any reason – getting sick in the night, wetting, etc.

    If they have a wet night they use the pull-ups/trainers for 3 nights to show they are good to go again.  We did stickers in the beginning also, cause mine all thought naps and bed time where the same.  So cute at that age.


    one more note…once they stay dry for a while, they may go a couple of years and then have a sudden spell of wetting the bed several times, and then stop again. Sometimes it’s stress, or life change…sometimes you won’t find a reason. This happened to my DS last year (he was 6 at the time). It lasted for about 2 weeks (shortly after selling our house). I talked with DS about it, reassuring him I was not upset. Then we talked about getting some “big boy” pullups, which he agreed to wear (I didn’t want to force him and he be embarrassed). And then, I guess because boys are boys, he tested the pull up out on purpose!! When I asked him why, he said, “I wanted to see if they really worked”…LOL, I laughed, but told him not to do it on purpose again. After 2 weeks, he dried back up and we’ve been good ever since.


    the point to my short little story above…buy a mattress pad, and leave it on the bed until they are adults and move out 🙂


    Hmmm…this is interesting. I do as Scoathy suggests. When the child is dry a few nights in a row, we go ‘solo’ (ie: pull up free). But never mattress protector free.


    My oldest two boys NEVER kept their diapers dry. Not a single night. We eventually just took a leap of faith at 4 years (that seems so late compared to the rest of y’all!) And never had problems. Of course we never go without a mattress cover, but that it’s mostly for vomit. My kids are easy pukers 😉


    Thanks for y’alls input.  Last night was night #7 being dry.  She’s pretty happy about it.

    I’ve got mattress protectors on both girls mattresses (even though my oldest has never had a problem) and my youngest also has a waterproof mattress pad.  So, I’m not really worried about the mattress.

    Scoathy – that is a funny story about your DS!!  I can imagine that happening but yuck!!  If you think it through, why would you purposely do that?!  Kids are funny.

    momma_pajama – A couple years ago I tried just sending her to bed with no pull up and hoped that after a night or two of wetting the bed she would catch on and not want to do that anymore.  But after a couple of weeks of washing the sheets every single day, I’d had enough.  It didn’t work for us.


    Peanut, I understand about not wanting to change the sheets! Definitely my most despised household chore!

    Yay for 7 nights!

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