How many books?

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  • TracyM

    I’m wanting to make up a booklist to cover for the year, but I’m not really sure how many to aim for.  I’ll have a younger one, so I’m guessing more books for him because they’ll be shorter, and less for my oldest being longer chapter books.  I already have catagories like history (fiction and non-fiction), science, literature, biographies, etc., just not sure how many I want to put in each catagory.  How should I take to go through a biography or historical fiction for example?  They won’t be super in depth or intense yet. Wink  They’ll be a little lower than a typical high school comprehension level, but I would like to make them a little harder as the school year goes on.


    We tend to read a chapter per day in a history family read aloud, a history book for each age group, a literature read aloud, a science read aloud. To figure out how many take the number of chapters and add them up until you are at about the same as the days in your school year. We plan less so we have time built in for catch up when we miss days.

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