I think that I read a post similar to this a while ago, but, for the life of me, I can’t find it!!
Anyways, I was wondering how many books each day you have your children reading? Including read out louds and independent reading. How many days per week do you do for subjects like science and history?
I’m trying to schedule out our year (even though we’ve technically already started) and having trouble deciding how much work is appropriate for reading each day.
Also, I’m wondering, how do you break your reading up? Like, do you read for history every day, for science everyday (we’re doing Jeannie Fulbright’s astronomy book this year, but would like them to do some independent reading for that on their own), u.s. history (we’re studying both that and world), literuature, etc.
I feel like if I had them do all that, everyday, it would be a lot, but am having some trouble trying to schedule everything into a week.
I am not experienced at all, but I was getting completely overwhelmed myself. If you have the money, what has helped me tremendously is the Planning Your CM Education DVD. It helps you see the big picture and then walks you by the hand, step by step to narrow down your plan to the minutes, if you want it that detailed. I want to be able to create my own curriculum over my daughters school years, so I needed some training and direction. It really brought everything into focus for me.
I can’t recommend this resource and the All-Day SCM Seminar enough!
I would love to get that. Money is tight, especially with all the food my boys are eating I might try to squeeze some extra money out of somewhere though
You can get the general overview by reading the Planning series in our blog. It might help you figure out how many times each week to do each subject. That decision depends on how much you want to cover in each subject during the year.
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