How Long is Too Long for a School Day?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules How Long is Too Long for a School Day?

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  • Jennifer Cruise

    We have students in K5, 2, 4, 7, and 9th.  Back a few years ago, our school days seemed to only last about 4 hours a day, back when we followed a traditional curriculum. But since we have moved to a Charlotte Mason approach, our days have grown to be almost 8 hours long! We struggle to finish and are exhausted by the end of the day with no time for fun. It seems that we spend too much time discussing all of the amazing things we learn, and struggle to stay on track. Is there any advice or help for us?


    Why 8 hours?  Are you trying to do every subject every day?

    We are eclectic, with a lot of CM, and all of my kids (including my high schooler doing college classes) are done in 4-5 hours.  Our schedule looks like this:

    *one hour for family studies (history, geography, grammar, Bible, art/composer/poetry studies)

    *30 minutes math

    *30 minutes reading (during our silent reading time)

    *30 minutes other reading (usually an audio book, frequently history-related)

    *30 minutes co-op homework

    *15 minutes copywork, writing letters, etc.

    Our science is a 1x/week co-op, and my middle schooler has additional writing, Latin, and history in a 1x/week co-op.


    What is eating up your time?


    This might be helpful

    Are trying to do too much? Or maybe try some more independent things for some subjects, or even drop some subjects that are not necessary. As of now we stoped spelling curriculum in 7th and address spelling through written narration and any other time writing is required. Written narrations are not required all the time, just one or two per week, but adding in spelling too, it was a lot of writing and they “burn out” and quantity did not equal quality. My kids are not natural spellers, but each year with maturity they are improving.

    Timer can also be a good friend. Set a timer ask for full focus and attention and see how far they can get and then decide if you need to adjust your schedule and expectations to fit what they can do or if there is lack of focus and attention that is drawing lessons out that needs to be addressed.

    Tamara Bell


    I am so sorry your frustrated by your days.  They sound extremely long.  Can you please share your schedule with us so we can offer suggestions?  Are you using a particular “CM” inspired plan or creating your own?  I’d like to encourage you to check out SCM’s Build Your Own Curriculum page.  There is an example schedule you can find there.


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