How long does your middle school age child do math each day?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math How long does your middle school age child do math each day?

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  • Jennifer

    I’m just wondering what you all do for a time limit on math.  Or do you just do one lesson, even if it’s short?  My ds11 is doing  Singapore 4A this year, so probably a little behind, although they (whoever they are?) say that Singapore is a year ahead.  So technically he’s 6th grade age (he says he’s 5th because he wants to stay home longer he says) and doing 5th grade math.  The thing is, it’s perfect level wise for him.  He’s doing great with it.  Do I make him push a little to make him work fairly hard at it, or still keep it shorter? 


    My 11 & 13 yr olds are required to do 30 minutes of math a day and they are suppose to complete 2 pages of MUS.  I don’t know how that compares to Singapore as I have never seen it.  But it usually takes my 11 yr old all 30 minutes and my 13 sometime will take 45.

    Now when they finish the 2 sheets if they do, it gets corrected and they continue till the time is up.  Hope that helps


    We are MUS people so I don’t know how it compares to Singapore… but my 10yo spends about 20 to 30 min a day and my 12yo spends 30 or so. Does that help at all? Sometimes when they have a day where the lesson goes really quickly I let them go early — just because it is fun to surprise them like that. But these are their times most days.


    My 12yo spends about 30 min. a day or so on MUS.  If she gets 100% on the new concept page, she gets to move to the review pages.  I also don’t make her do all the review pages if she gets 95%.  This allows us to move more quickly through the concepts she understands right away, and more slowly through the more difficult concepts.  She also gets Fri. off if she’s gotten those scores, through a weeks lesson, and all corrections done. Just what we do:)  Gina

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