How in-depth is Ancients study in Module 1?

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  • heatherma

    I have littles and so won’t be starting for another year and a half.  However I am a planner and want to use this time to settle out some things. 

    I really want to use SCM’s guides, but am not sure how in-depth they go in studying the ancients and other cultures.  I really like the idea of starting in Genesis and learning history based off of that, and I also may throw in a few read alouds on U.S. history as interested in the early years.  We don’t really do fairy tales, magical movies, etc. and there is so much unsavory stuff from the ancient cultures as well.

    I know there are books listed by grade level; are they sensitive to this and so for the early years are the book suggestions more about how the people lived, the land, animals, etc. more relating to geography vs. false gods, sacrifices, etc.  I really don’t want to have to tape over pages, or get books that are like this.

    Thank you for your input on this!



    Here is a link to the sample pages of Module 1.  This is the only guide on the Ancients I have seen that is truly God-centered and does not delve into myths in the younger years.  This is really a Bible study with World History mixed in.  It sounds like what you are looking for.  It’s a great guide if you want to start off in Ancients with your children.

    I hope this helps!



    Here is an old link on the study of Ancients and how SCM approaches it.



    We are doing Mod 1 with my 4 and 7 year old.  They are enthralled (my 7 year old daughter wants a Pharoah b-day party!).  I feel like it is appropriate but there is mention of their belief in the afterlife, gods, etc.  Most of these things I use to talk to them about the difference in what they believed and what we believe (are they really going to have that pottery in their next life?  What is the true way to have eternal life? etc)  If these are too big of ideas for your little ones yet you can skim or omit some of the library selections, I do sometimes skip over or re-word things as I read if I feel that is  best.  I do not see how it can be totally eliminated b/c those beliefs were the driving force of their culture.  It has been nice to hear the girls compare the culture with our beliefs b/c it helps me see what they are retaining from our Bible study.  I think you will be fine and they will grow from the experience, plus you get to re-do it when mod 1 comes around again and you can go more indepth. 



    I just purchased Gen. through Deut., and have been looking thru it today. I relate with your concern because we are also very leery of magic, fairies, myths, etc. However, I have to remember that many cultures throughout history and many today serve other gods that the one, true God of the Bible. I think exposing our children to that concept is important, and as long as we do it age-appropriately and tastefully, God will take care of the rest. 

    If we leave those facts out, we are leaving out a very important part of history. If you feel that your children are too young right now, maybe wait a few months or a year, and then begin. You can always just teach them some early American history first, and come back to Module 1 later. 

    Sonya Shafer

    And along with the other good comments on this discussion, let me add that there is a big difference between explaining that other cultures worshiped false gods vs. reading pages and pages of stories about those false gods (myths). I think we need to be very careful that our younger children get a firm grounding in God’s Word without feeding them a lot of false stories about false gods at the same time. 


    I just wanna say, AMEN Sonya!

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