Working on next years lesson plan and trying to figure out how to get poetry in. i’m thinking we will just read one poem/day from Favorite poems old and new, but would love to hear what y’all do.
One a day 🙂 One artist for one of our terms. The other twp terms we read from the Oxford collections and Favorite Poems Old and New.
I would also like to encourage families to seek out local poets and try to attend readings at local universities (once you have had a chance to read their works, of course.)
WE read a poem a day. We either pick a poet a term, or we use a big anthology (I like ones that are organized by time, to see how poetry changes over time.)
This year … Once a week. One poet per term. Probably a little extra reading from time to time or sharing by someone of a favorite … seems to happen a lot around the holidays too with seasonal poetry.