How have you used the book Pagoo in your science studies?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study How have you used the book Pagoo in your science studies?


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  • Alicia Hart

    I was wondering how others have used the book Pagoo in their nature studies?

    What year?

    Did you use it with the Apologia Swimming Creatures book?


    My son did it around 1st grade or 2nd grade (whenever AO schedules it). We didn’t try to line up w/Apologia.  :)Gina


    Oops…I was thinking of Paddle to the Sea. Sorry!!!!


    My kids read it last year (3rd and 1st grade). They love it. We did not use Apologia. My husband vetoed my desire to let them have a pet hermit crab. But we had a blast visiting a pet store and watching the hermit crabs. They remembered a lot from the book and discussed it while the pet store employees watched us suspiciously. 🙂



    I read it to them when they were in 1st and 3rd.  We just used it as a read aloud though.  I believe Homeschool Share has some notebooking pages on Pagoo if you want more structure.  

    Alicia Hart

    Thanks so much for the response everyone.


    We had a REALLY great experience with Pagoo this summer. I intended on using it as a fun read aloud for rest time on our vacation to the beach. But we ended up learning so much! We found baby snail shells on the beach. And with a rainy day visit to the aquarium, we learned a lot about sea life. It was so much fun!

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