How do you use Spelling Wisdom and Using Language Well

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    I am looking ahead to next year (Y4 for my oldest) and comparing options for prepared dictation and early grammar lessons.  I’m wondering, how do people use Spelling Wisdom and Using Language Well together?  I mean literally, tell me about how you sit down with the materials and do a lesson.  I like the idea of them but I am wondering how I am going to handle 3 separate books out at the same time (assuming I also use the teach handbook for ULW).  I do wish they were all in the same book with the corresponding lessons on the same page.  I’ve thought about the e-book option since we have 3 more kids behind our oldest who will also use them but then I’m worried about switching between multiple e-books.  For those who are using the combo, please tell me the practical “hows” and if it’s going smoothly.  I would also like to know if you prefer e-book or printed book and why.



    I’ve just started Spelling Wisdom 1 and ULW with my 8 year old.  We’ve done about 4 lessons.  I like the idea of having the actual print book for non-consumables like Spelling Wisdom and ULW teacher’s book (which I haven’t really needed yet for these first lessons anyway).  Then have the PDF for consumables like the ULW student book – I’ve just been printing off the page (double-sided so one lesson on front, next on back).  I will have other children going through it after her so that’s why I like the PDFs for consumables though I guess you could always get the printed book and make copies of that too.  We do it twice a week – Monday and Friday.  I give her the ULW lesson sheet I printed out and she opens up to the exercise it directs her to in the Spelling Wisdom book.  We sit down together and do the lesson.  So far, it has worked out well, she really enjoys it, and only takes maybe 10 minutes at the most.  If you are using ULW with Spelling Wisdom, the first 1-70 lessons are transcription. Dictation will not begin until the second half of the first Spelling Wisdom book.  So I can’t give you any feedback on the dictation portion yet. Hope that helps 🙂


    I bought the PDF’s so that I could print new student book for my youngest when he is ready. I printed Spelling wisdom (well first 6 weeks worth of lessons)and put it into page protecters then printed ULW student pages 3 hole punched them and collated them in with the in with spelling wisdom and then put the ULW teachers manual in my big binder (my master book of lessons if you will) I have 2 students doing the same level so there are two of each student page. when it is their turn to do SW/ULW they sit down and turn to the next lesson for them and take out their student page and we work through it. I have another child using SW3 and I really wish ULW 3 was out already. This is one of the few programs that I don’t anticipate there being any difficulty using multiple levels. The key for my is having them physically organized so it is all ready to go and everything is in one place.


    I have ULW 1 & 2 going, purchased printed books because if I have too many things to print I loose ground and sanity. I did buy the SW Ebooks though because we use the British version. I hope to print them out and collect the stash of pages to bind for a hard copy. I like books. Maybe I love books. Ok, I swoon over books that are printed and laid out all orderly for me to flip though and enjoy 🙂

    Spelling Wisdom is advised to be used twice a week just like Using Language Well. If your child needs a few days with their passage, give them the SW passage on non, do ULW exercise tues, take the time needed to complete it. Give passage 2 on wed, do next ULW lesson on thurs, complete  as needed.  Or simply assign the SW passage with ULW on the days you choose to do ULW. It is laid out that that works beautifully. They aren’t  long assignments and encourage short attentive best effort lessons. The assignments have the student looking at the mechanics of the passage and making their own thought out connections. Simple and effective.


    We just started ULW this week. My dd told me on Wednesday that she loved it!!!

    This is how I’m using it….We used SW last year for 3rd grade, but didn’t make it to lesson 70 so, we just picked up where we left off. I started in ULW where we left off. I bought the printed version of ULW both TM and student book. I have SW in ebook. We are using SW and ULW daily until we get to dictation, then we’ll slow down. I print off a weeks worth of lessons from SW. My dd grabs her ULW student book and her SW sheet and away she goes. I look over the lesson in the TM, then check her to see how she did. That’s it…it’s easy peasy! We are loving it!

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