Okay, I’m intrigued by the recent discussion on Pathway Readers vs. McGuffey’s. I have a few Pathway Readers and they are okay for my kiddos, however I would love some more options and found several McGuffey’s for Kindle free. So after learning the letters just how does one use these? Ideas beyond just sitting down to read it each day? What about for different ages? Mine are 11, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 11mos so I have a range. I probably wouldn’t bother having my 11yo read them but would offer them for fun to her. Thoughts? Places that explain a good way to use McGuffeys?
Thanks! Someone here usually seems to know answers to my questions and I’m so grateful for these boards!
Here is a blog post about how one mom used them to do CM style reading lessons – I am considering this for my ds 4.5 who is just starting to show interest in beginning reading (we’re doing some 3-letter word building play right now and he’s picking up on it quickly.)
Here’s an example of how I had my children study the first lesson in the Primer. The lesson was spread out over a week’s time.
Go over vocabulary words. Read lesson.
Practice spelling them out loud 3x each. Read lesson.
Identify capital letters and periods.
Read lesson.
Copy lesson in best handwriting. Read lesson
Study silently daily during the week. This is just to get the idea of reading silently. I’m not sure when this actually “kicks in,” but say, “read it quietly to yourself.”
Dictation if capably prepared on Friday. Or, wait until older.
Lesson 5 in the Primer was a review lesson, so we’d identify capital letters, periods, and question marks. The child copied two lines on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and the last three lines on Thursday. They read the review lesson daily. Then, on Friday, we discussed the cursive handwriting at the bottom and practiced reading cursive handwriting. We identified the cursive capital letters and punctuation. And, finally they’d read the lesson in cursive.
It just builds over time. And, sometimes we don’t focus so much on all of these when I know they know the information. Once they could always find the periods, I didn’t have them find them every week.
Hope this helps. It’s quite simple and gets so much covered in the language arts department. I enjoy using Emma Serl’s Primary and Intermediate Language Lessons with my children. But, if I only had McGuffey’s, I’d feel sure they’d get a very solid beginning just by having little conversations in a simple way.
We mainly use them for practice reading aloud…DS 8 reads daily, DD 10 reads 2-3 times a week. I sometimes assign copywork from the readers–I try to vary our copywork sources to keep it interesting. I also have them do a daily narration and often use the readers (I also use their history, science, or independent reading books). We sometimes have a mini-grammar lesson as well.
I’m sure you can cover so much more with them, but this is how we use them. There is a guide written by Ruth Beechick to go with the readers, but I think it goes with the older set (from the 1830s) and we have the “newer” one.