How do you use LDTR for Children

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Habits How do you use LDTR for Children

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  • pangit

    How do you use LDTR for children? Do you do one lesson each day, a couple times a week, once a week? What does your time with it look like? Thanks


    We do a couple lessons per week from the book and then are ever watchful throughout the week to make sure the good habit is forming. We will remind the children what we’ve read previously, whether the Bible story or poem or whatever, and have them change their action to be the desired new habit rather than the old, undesirable habit. Sit-down time with the book is twice per week, at the breakfast table, as part of our family devotions. It takes maybe 10 minutes, or less. Sometimes we get into a good discussion, and it might last longer. Also, I created weekly self-evaluation charts for the children to fill out at the end of each week. I posted a blog about that here

    missceegee and I are using these questionaires to help our children assess their own progress in working toward the desired habit. Today was evaluation day at our house, and dh and I talk with each child about what they’re doing great in and also how they can improve. My children have been surprisingly accurate in how they’ve assessed themselves.

    If you’d like more specifics on this, I (or Christie) can probably help!


    We’re just getting started, but we’ve been doing 2 lessons per week.  So far we’ve had a short reading and discussion, but there are some more active lessons that we haven’t gotten to yet.  In addition to that, we work on the habit continuously throughout the week…Since we are starting with obedience, a large part of this habit has fallen on DH and me to make sure they are obeying consistently.   

    I like the idea of self-evaluations to get them a bit more involved!   


    I’m doing two a week and for the children it is the story or discussion etc. The real work is forming the habit in MYSELF to be consistent and focused on the one habit. For instance, I  am doing attention, if I want children to form the habit of attention, then I have to stop repeating everything, which teaches them that they can tune me out because I will repeat it again. So, needless to say, it is rough!! LOL  I am no longer the reminder or nagger. When I see they didn’t put something away, I do not tell them exactly what I want them to do. I now politely ask them to go to such and such room and take care of their responsibilities. then they have to figure out what I am wanting. I have found that they end up doing twice as much than if I gave specifics. Who knew? Kids are very much aware of my changes because they will say, “Oh Mom, what did you say about such and such?” and my response is I’m sorry, I answered that question already. They are becomig quite the team in helping each other. LOL  

    LDTR has helped me to pay attention and to stop the bad habits that are forming simply from me being so busy multi tasking. I would repeat constantly, thinking kids are still young or that they didn’t hear me or that they didn’t understand…Oh how naive I was!! Also what a relief to have to say something once no more no less. I highly recommend it, but it is a committment!!

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