How do you store your nature treasures?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study How do you store your nature treasures?

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  • Katrina in AK

    We enjoy nature study very much, and have collected quite the array of things, from owl feathers to muskrat skulls, rocks to pine cones, a little bat and more…  We have them displayed on our “Treasure Shelf” which is getting quite crowded. 

    What do you do to display/store your finds?

    Sara B.

    I have a bookshelf with 1 shelf labeled (with masking tape) for each child. When it gets full (which they are right now), they need to sort through it & decide what is worth keeping and what they are ready to part with. They are in charge of their own shelves, though i do tell them when its time to soet through. 🙂

    Lesley Letson

    we don’t always do this, but we have taken good pictures of all these things for our nature journals – I have high hopes of doing a photo book…but, well….


    How are your treasures displayed?  We have quite a few feathers so I bought a little pail with handle from Hobby Lobby and put a styrofoam ball in the bottom of the pail and stuck the feathers in it.  This is attractive and takes hardly space at all.  Dried flowers are hung upside down on a rack-type-thing on the wall.  My dd has dried flowers in a vase.  If your children are careful rocks and pebbles can be put in canning jars, or any type of clear container.  Seashells can go in a dish purchased from Goodwill.  Place sand in the dish if you choose and sprinkle the shells around.  Attracive and space-saving!


    Sara B….that is a brilliant idea!!

    Alicia Hart

    We use a shelf that is at the bottom of our stairs, in sort of a little nook with a spot light.  We use plastic containers of all sorts but the bugs are just out so they can be spread out and seen.


    We display a few items, but bugs get glued on a board that is kept above the cabinet and rocks, shells, etc. are in a tackle box. I like the idea of displaying rocks, shells, etc. in glass jars, like a wide mouth quart jar.

    Sara B.

    Thanks, Scoathy, but I am pretty sure I got that idea directly from CM. I am on my phone or I would try to find the quote for you. I can look later today if no one else has done it by then. 🙂


    I bought a small homemade simple table to display our nature collection on. We change it according to what we are studying. Currently it holds a variety of bird feathers in an unlabled soup can, cardinal and robin’s nest with eggs, some bird i.d. books, and a small poster of Sibley’s backyard birds framed. We always have a microscope on or nearby, small bowl of seashells, (a rabbit’s tail added recently) and binoculars. We also have hodgepodge from our electricity study scattered throughout (homemade circuit and elecricity book). soon all this will be put in a storage tub and we’ll bring out the bug collection! We are ordering an ant farm this year. Underneath I keep a basket of related science picture or informational books. Otherwise my girls have their own nature collection box (small plastic box with lid from $ store) that they keep leaves, rocks, sticks, and feathers, etc. inside and they have to empty some as it gets full as Sara B. shared. 

    Katrina in AK

    Thank you for all the ideas.  I will be looking for some lovely jars to display our rocks and shells, and will be referring back here often. 🙂

    Sara B.

    I wish I could find that quote…  I am not finding it on the AO online version.  I am going to go through the highlighted sections of my books and see if that finds it.  I call them “science shelves” because that is what I first heard them called.  But I can’t find that exact phrase.  I’ll keep looking through my highlights and notes.

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